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50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2012

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited February 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Kimberly Palmer
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A guide to mastering your money in the new year

A new year offers a fresh start. Whether you're ready to ramp up your earning power, start saving more money, or manage what you have more effectively, this 50-step guide is designed to help you improve every aspect of your financial life, from overall security to specific saving and spending strategies.

1. Focus on the "why" of your goals instead of the "how." Planning exactly how you will reach a goal, such as saving more money, can actually make it harder to reach that goal, according to research by Julia Belyavsky Bayuk, an assistant professor at the University of Delaware. She found that focusing more on the motivation behind a goal instead of the specifics of how it will be achieved can increase the likelihood of success. That's partly because having a more "abstract" mindset can help people deal with unexpected challenges along the way.

2. Rethink your relationship with money. For those struggling to make better money decisions, life coach Christine Hassler suggests thinking about money as if it's a person. "How's your relationship with George?" she asks, referring to President George Washington's face on the $1 bill. In her book 20 Something, 20 Everything, she encourages readers to first examine their history with money. "If they don't excavate what they believe and their sense of worth, they are unable to progress," she explains. That history includes one's financial situation growing up and patterns of spending. The first step to fixing a dysfunctional relationship with money is to acknowledge its existence.

3. Protect your privacy. Whenever someone asks for your Social Security number, question if it's necessary to share it. Never give it to a solicitor on the telephone or in an email, and if you ever notice a suspicious charge on your credit card, follow up with your card company—it could be the first sign of identity theft.

[See also: 7 Deadly Financial Sins]

4. Plan a comeback. A lot of people have struggled over the past few years, but that downswing doesn't have to be permanent. Jude Boudreaux, who now works as a certified financial planner in New Orleans, turned his life around after running up $5,000 in credit card debt in college. He did it by ruthlessly cutting out "extras" in his budget so he could focus on his bigger financial goals, including getting out of debt. Today, Boudreaux says his past struggles are an asset, since he's living proof to clients that it is possible to make a complete comeback.


  • Everyday is a chance for a fresh new start. Some nice info and tips however, what would help me would to actually have an official job, that might help my finances a bit... :p naaa, screw that.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited February 2012
    And then Careers tab up top.
  • If you forget Leon, remember that discussion we had about how it is near impossible for foreigners to have a career or job in Thailand? You can own a business, but that needs money. You can also teach kids, but that requires a TEFL. I am considering moving to Cambodia in May anyway, work visa 25 dollars a month and there actually is work!!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    If you forget Leon, remember that discussion we had about how it is near impossible for foreigners to have a career or job in Thailand? You can own a business, but that needs money. You can also teach kids, but that requires a TEFL. I am considering moving to Cambodia in May anyway, work visa 25 dollars a month and there actually is work!!
    I do remember. That would be nice if you move relocate somewhere else. I am considering doing the same thing soon. I graduate in 8 months.

  • Are you still going ahead with that trip plan idea if your friend? And where would you relocate to after graduation out of curiosity?
  • I've found that bitcoin mining also nicely supplements my very meager income. I recommend you look it up :D
  • Aside from these 50 ways, how about the way Buddha taught? Give without expectation for return.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Aside from these 50 ways, how about the way Buddha taught? Give without expectation for return.
    Wonderful any others?

  • edited February 2012
    Aside from these 50 ways, how about the way Buddha taught? Give without expectation for return.
    Wonderful any others?

    Yes, how about buy only what you NEED instead of what you WANT. Exception is if you want something really bad, and it's only 1 or 2 items and not going to break your bank then it's fine.

    I never forget this quote:" Too many people buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.".

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Aside from these 50 ways, how about the way Buddha taught? Give without expectation for return.
    Wonderful any others?

    Yes, how about buy only what you NEED instead of what you WANT. Exception is if you want something really bad, and it's only 1 or 2 items and not going to break your bank then it's fine.

    I never forget this quote:" Too many people buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.".

    I'm loving it!:)
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