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What type/style of meditation do you like best?

edited February 2012 in Meditation
There are enough styles of meditation out there to make your head spin. I've tried a few different types and I'm curious about what others prefer.

I'm currently meditating to Omharmonics, which are binaural beats that are supposed to reduce mind-chatter and get your brain into an alpha state more effectively. I feel like it's easier for me to "get there" when listening to sound.

What about you guys?


  • RodrigoRodrigo São Paulo, Brazil Veteran
    Simple breathing meditation.
  • I had a dream last night where I was running/flying around a lot as if I was running away from something.

    Then something or someone stopped me and taught me to be mindful of the body and mind. Just pause and take notice.

    Just thought I'd share my dream.

    I've been doing random meditation. Which consist of linking my breathing to the heart and gradually letting go physically/mentally. Then from an openness moving around in the world.

    So just focusing on feeling the tender heart and all its wonderful qualities of clarity, openness, courage, genuine, stable, sensitive, and peace.

    The heart is like a crystal. It reflects everything.
  • Lately I've been mostly practicing metta meditation, but I mix this up with Anapanasati and basic vipassana practices.
  • I've thought of metta meditation looking at some photos. Metta is really hard for me because I feel ashamed of myself at some deep level. Just something I have noticed. I guess if I see the mud that is a good thing. When I breath I feel like I am breathing in energy, but sometimes I wish I could breath out warmth to others. After meditation I feel more peaceful and loving. It should be easier but it's a special dharma treat from Buddha when I feel this peace :)
  • There are enough styles of meditation out there to make your head spin. I've tried a few different types and I'm curious about what others prefer.

    I'm currently meditating to Omharmonics, which are binaural beats that are supposed to reduce mind-chatter and get your brain into an alpha state more effectively. I feel like it's easier for me to "get there" when listening to sound.

    What about you guys?
    What is omharmonics? Sounds interesting, where can I get some of that!?

    I do alot of walking meditation and I cultivate present awareness. Sometimes you gotta live a little!

    Here is a random thing I saw outside today...I live in Houston and this bird suddenly appeared...there was no animal sanctuary was a restaurant. Lol...kinda nice.
  • See..
  • @Lady_Alison That is a gorgeous peacock! Very cool and unexpected thing to see :)

    You can go to and read more about it. You can download a free sample from this site too, it's a 10 minute MP3 file.

    It's kind of pricey. I paid $99 for the entire set, but I have no complaints. I'm happy that I got it. You can start with the free download and see if it's something you like. I would be interested in hearing your feedback too :)
  • My friend and I were kinda afraid to get close at first, what if it's wild?
    Finally I said, "fuck it, I'm ready to die. If the bird kills me, what a wonderful way to go! " it let me get very close to get the picture...but you gotta live every moment. Wanted to share...I'm glad to see you here...we signed up the same day.

    Yeah, I will let you know. I'll check it out today.
  • @Jeffrey Shame? Why? So much so that you can't even begin to work on offering metta to yourself?

    With that said, I began a forgiveness meditation several days back to work with alongside the metta practice. I find it very hard to forgive myself. It is a difficult practice.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2012
    @weighted, it's like a seed of shame that when active colors everything I say and do. And other times I am fine. but it's not the ideation that is the problem it's that I contract my mind to stasis when I am feeling shame. I don't have the emotional engine or transmission or whatever :confused:

    I have made the following prayer when I remembered in meditation.
    May I*be happy,
    May I be touched,
    May I safe,
    May I be at peace
    *and all beings
  • weightedweighted Veteran
    edited February 2012
    But @Jeffrey: that prayer/mantra is the repeated one, or at least the germ of it, in metta meditation, so maybe if you practiced it a bit more it would help you to address the shame you feel?

    I have several version of guided metta practice I use. Traditionally, you begin by extending metta to yourself. I understand this conceptually - it's impossible to extend metta to others unless you really love and accept yourself as you are. But one meditation I have begins with a loved one/benefactor and then moves on to you: on days when I feel rotten, I find this helpful. It allows me to get in touch with metta, directing it toward a loved one, and once that feeling has begun to bloom during the meditation it's easier to direct it to myself.
  • My meditative practice bleeds into almost everything I do... I've found that there is no limit to meditation / mindfulness... when I sit I tend to do so with eyes half open (naturally resting) and with a massive grin on my face - I have tried to suppress the grin but I find that as soon as I stop trying it returns... almost immediately, I am connected (it is akin to dropping my living form) and there I remain inbetween black outs (though I dont black out - just disconnect with stimuli - hard to describe as there is nothing there and its a timeless state)... I dont keep a clock or time - I just stand up and carry on when it happens - no idea what type of meditation this is - its just is what it is for me
  • @zero like this, darling?

  • Maybe this... :D the other guy looks like he's going to pop a blood vessel!!
  • Metta meditation.
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