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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited February 2012 in Buddhism Basics
If there is one thing I see and have seen all too often, it is people being negative in all different kinds of ways. The internet is probably one of the easiest place to observe this, go onto twitter for example and see the comments people post. They, for the most part are about thinsg lik, "I hate school" "damn my blackberry is out of battery" "I hate my boss" and so on and so on.
Go and look at the comments on any youtube video, it appears that most of the time, whatever the content of the video, arguments, racism and general poisonous behaviour comes out in the comments.

Conversations with friends, family or loved ones. Yes they may merely be trying to make conversation, but I have found at least they complain. "ugh, it is raining today and I have to walk to school." When my partner gets home frm work, "I am so tired, today was a lot of hard work and my superior was not in a good mood at all." And so on. Why bring these things back home with you or into the lives of others? Why not talk about the things that were great, wonderful and beautiful in your day, share that with others? Why do we as a race of people seem to like to indulge in the negative side of life?

Another thing as well, find faults. I can see the irony here yes, maybe I am finding faults but for good reasons. All too often I see people finding faults in people for the sake of it, maybe to boost their own ego or to make a joke. A compliment given does not benefit just one person, it benefits at least two people. Just some thoughts :rolleyes:


  • The irony of it is, what you are you doing is finding faults with the observation "people are just finding faults these days".

    People's thoughts and feelings about something will be negative occasionally. Trying to argue with that fact is like being annoyed with the fact that some grass is yellow. Isn't it that all grass ought to be green? Why does the yellow, half-dead grass even exist?

    Negativity is, it comes and goes. Thing is, things do suck sometimes.

    People choose to express the negativity sometimes. It is on us to learn not to get sucked into it. But since we ourselves are sources or negativity too, if we learn to just overcome that we can probably overcome negativity in other people as well, since they are really the same thing. If you just removed all the shit out life, things (or we) cease to grow (due to lack of fertilization =P).

    There is suffering ("my boss sucks").

    Why is there suffering? Cuz i out to have a boss that is supportive, emphatic, etc

    How can the suffering be overcome? By realizing that if my boss wasn't a selfish jerk i wouldn't have the job.

    How can i realize that? One way is the eightfold path.

    Everyone not fully on the path or enlightened, should shut up, is what it seems to me you're saying. Yeah, they just keep on coming with their negativity, don't they^^
  • Samsara. It sounds like they're using Twitter, etc. to vent, rather than to communicate meaningfully. Oh well.

    And TV is used to market products, rather than to educate and inspire.
  • @mithril I did mention there was a certain sense of irony, but still, I merely tried to post something to inspire people to try not to hoard negative ways of thinking and acting in life. Ajahn Brahm actually spoke about something similar a while back, saying that why do we collect shit? Are you a shit collector? Do you bring back shit to your house and loved ones everyday? I intention was to help people, beginners mainly who visit this site and think or act in a negative way.
  • I liked reading your writing Tom. I guess people are always wanting to find a better way. Thus craving.
  • That is true actually yes. "when I get this my life will be better." The grass is always greener and all that jazz.
    I just don't understand though the human mentality of why we like to discuss and share negative things so much. I don't know about you but I see it everywhere. The news is one prime example.
  • Focussing on the negative has truly become a way of life, but it is up to individuals who recognise that this is damaging to radiate joy, calmness and positivity in their actions and words. You never know it might rub off on some unsuspecting people ;)
  • Focussing on the negative has truly become a way of life, but it is up to individuals who recognise that this is damaging to radiate joy, calmness and positivity in their actions and words. You never know it might rub off on some unsuspecting people ;)
    It may do, but with words in my experience they have worked against such notions, here I think actions really do speak louder than words. If you act a certain way in a certain situation or mulitple times alongside a close one, maybe they will see the fruits of thinking/acting in a non-negative manner. Like violence, violence only breeds more violence, I deem the same to be true with negativity unless somebody steps in.
  • I truly hope soTom.

  • In America there is a booming business called "storage facilities" you take your shit and pay a monthly fee for a company to store it. Lol. Also, all the venting people do is floatsum or scum or dark murky water that needs to settle down to the bottom...I agree with dakini.

    Or it's fog, and your real presence is the sun. Fog doesn't stay long.
    @mithril I did mention there was a certain sense of irony, but still, I merely tried to post something to inspire people to try not to hoard negative ways of thinking and acting in life. Ajahn Brahm actually spoke about something similar a while back, saying that why do we collect shit? Are you a shit collector? Do you bring back shit to your house and loved ones everyday? I intention was to help people, beginners mainly who visit this site and think or act in a negative way.
  • When I use to watch TV I saw a few episodes of storage wars lol.. Those facilities that were not payed for over a certain period of time were auctioned off. Anyway, bed time for Tom. I hope everyone has a nice end to their weekend, peace and love to all :buck: MONKEYS
  • Lol...dream of monkey paradise, sweet prince of bananas.
  • edited February 2012
    Conversations with friends, family or loved ones. Yes they may merely be trying to make conversation, but I have found at least they complain. "ugh, it is raining today and I have to walk to school." When my partner gets home frm work, "I am so tired, today was a lot of hard work and my superior was not in a good mood at all." And so on. Why bring these things back home with you or into the lives of others? Why not talk about the things that were great, wonderful and beautiful in your day, share that with others? Why do we as a race of people seem to like to indulge in the negative side of life?
    I guess it also comes out of attachment. We're attached to what's not and what should have been etc. It's just the "ego" that is too big, and so it comes into conflict with reality. When this happens, we don't want it to happen; and when that ceases, we don't want it to cease etc.

    It's because we don't see reality for what it is (impermanent, unsatisfactory, uncontrollable); so we have unrealistic expectations. When these aren't met, we're disappointed.
  • Thanks @sofa that really did help to put things into perspective :) I always like to get other peoples views and opinions, hence posting questions here.
  • I think its just a instinct humans have. If i have a leaky roof i'm not really gonna be there sitting under it trying to figure out what to do until i freeze to death, but will rather mention it to you, sitting beside me "hey, our roof is leaking". Now i know that i can put a bucket under, and thus prevent the room from flooding, but that simple observation might make you go "hey, we didn't repair it in a while" and go off looking for the necessary tools or send me to get them so you can show me how to repair it. I didn't really spend any notable amount of energy by doing that, and now i'm way better off than i would be with the bucket.

    Sometimes, we will not know how to help it, and my "the roof is leaking" will just make you go - "gah, now were both wet and cold and that person is nagging about it". But we try, maybe the observer met the problem before and knows how to solve it?

    Its really the same thing as animals making distinct sounds when the predator comes, its not to sound negative, but that maybe someone comes up with a solution or even just warning others will make their reaction more efficient - thus the behavior is useful. Speaking in terms of evolution, if i do that a million times wrong and one time right it pays off. So i think humans must've kept some part of that.
  • I liked the metaphor you used there @mithril it works well. Just one thing though, yes it is human instinct I guess, but that does not neccessarily mean that it is skillful to be negative in certain situations. To be angry is instictive, even to kill can be deemed instictive. By the way, out of curiosity, your name mithril, was that inspiried by lord of the rings?
  • ^^^ Brahm actually portrays what I have been thinking and trying to get across very well in this 9 minute video, especially at the end. I still admire him for his humor, he is a great monk.
  • I must say as someone who is just exploring what buddhism is all about, reading these forums I see exactly the negativity that you talk about,even here!

    I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand it does show that buddhists are like all other people with different opinions. On the other hand is it just another internet forum that is used by some people to try convincce others that theirs is the right way.

  • One last post before I go. I would say that on this forum you will find a wide range of people, some of them do not even consider themselves buddhist. We have an entire category dedicated to other world religions. Buddhism is different in the sense that we do not wish to try and convert people or convince them of anything. It is skillful to only really speak of the dharma if one is asked about it. Here we discuss parts of our religion, welcome new-comers and offer help, sometimes help which has nothing to do with buddhism, but everyday problems. This a friendly place, not somewhere where we are trying to convert the entire world :p
  • Sigh, I know. I do my fair share of complaining but there is a reason I don't watch TV, I stopped the news after OJ and that really shows how old I am! I do fall into negativity often but there are areas I get so positive about.

    Right now however I am seeing the situation at work where I have been praised for being so positive yet the negative person just got support to write up everyone she has been supervising for a mere month, without being asked to have any conversations in a respectful manner. In fact they wanted to (IMHO) take advantage of my positive nature by having me go over to the site and support all the disciplinary action today.

    So I have no idea what my positive nature has done besides keep the drama down the last few months, I can see how much worse things could have been but I don't think anyone else can. Still gonna keep going, and sorry for the major downer here.
  • I don't really know how to answer, so this is approximately how i feel about it...

    If we described an action either as one of the three things:
    1. useful
    2. skillful
    3. mindful

    I don't really have the time to find the definitions. In one action, several of those could be ascribed to it. To some extent the meanings of those three overlap, but i do not think they are the same, any two of them.

    I did post an example, negativity is useful.

    Then skillful... It was skillful when the roof was fixed. But when you reacted negatively to it, it wasn't. So it would be skillful when you'd estimate the answer to yield a result, not? But since its not a game of perfect information, i do not know what your answer will be. We could estimate that if it was mindful, then it was skillful. Nagging rarely is, though - making it useful, but somehow not skillful - or is there skillful action without mindfulness? There is my dilemma.

    That's where the difference between a layperson and a monk shows itself. I do not know things exactly. I do not have any formal training in this.

    One thing would be to dwell on whether it is skillful or not. To some extent this is irrelevant. Putting great importance on that fact can quickly evolve into defining a concept that is evil and is in need of banishing by yourself. The act being unskillful does not equate "people should not do it". It being skillful is only relevant if it were you who were deciding on whether it is best to whine about or not. This is complicated, since it depends on the situation. But when we are talking about other people, skillful does not apply. Skillful is always what the first person does. What the third person does has to be accepted but not being dwelt on. Whether it is the most perfect deed or the worst stupid evil act, the idea is, that it does not matter to us (first person). What you do, does not determine my happiness. So you can do as you please, if you like, have a slice of negativity :)

    About my name, the concept of the metal comes from LOTR, so by necessity it had to be inspired by it.
  • I think of people expressing these negative comments as two ways.
    First it is something that is in some way burdening that person and so they are at that moment attempting to let it go, sure it may not be the best way to do it, but then we are all limited in doing things, in the way we have gained knowledge and experiences in doing them. If you and they have enough interaction together then maybe you can find a moment to teach them a better way to let go of that negativity.
    Secondly, I find intently and compassionately listening to people, often not offering any thing back to the situation or complaint, is helpful to them. Thus on some level turning that negative thing more positive as an interaction between that person and me has become positive. When it is something the person and I discuss, I generally find that both that person and I come away feeling a little lighter and peaceful.

    Hope my thoughts can be helpful, even though I am very new to this. I loved the video my son and I listened to it together.
  • @MsJeni thanks a lot, your comments does help. I never really looked at it in that way as such, thanks :)

  • Hope my thoughts can be helpful, even though I am very new to this. I loved the video my son and I listened to it together.
    Would you mind linking that video?
  • edited March 2012
    There are actually several in the series, it's on you tube.
    But I will link the first one

    They are very simplistic, but helped me to open up my mind, kind of childlike so fit just my style of looking at the world.

    So uhm I am trying to get it to actually link so maybe I can sort it out if not then copy and paste seemed to work.
  • Cool thread, Tom.

    Ajahn Brahm was pretty instrumental in my getting into Buddhism. My son has listened to him too! ;-)
  • Cool thread, Tom.

    Ajahn Brahm was pretty instrumental in my getting into Buddhism. My son has listened to him too! ;-)
    Yea whe I first started out I use to listen to all of his talks. He IMO talks in an easy way for a lay person to get the dharma, in a way you can apply it to your life. This segment taken from one of his talks illustrates the whole idea of being negative in daily life well I think. Glad you have found such a good source as Brahm, your son may one day have a shaven head :p
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