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Chomsky on Liberation Theology and the philosophy of the Christian Gospels
Amazing storytelling by Noam Chomsky

"Keep away from Cliche's this world's much more complicated"
Good advice.
This is an interesting history lesson in what I believe are authentic religious movements and people are quick to dismess modern Christianity alot and make assumptions so and and so forth.
'The papacy is no other than the ghost of the deceased Roman empire, sitting crowned upon the grave there of.'---Thomas Hobbes.
300 years ago...in a kingdom far, far, away..
Emperor Constantine makes a decision to take control of his fragmented empire. Rome no longer the power it had been, seemed divided into various cults. With a stroke of genius he creates the church.
Constantine was a follower of sol invictus sun-god cult up until his death bed, when he finally accepted baptism on the off chance the Christians may have been right all along.
He knew that Christianity was growing. 1 in 10 citizens claimed to be afollower of this Jewish splinter group. It was becoming a dominant force. He began by ruling the end of persecution of these monotheists. His ruling counterpart Co emperor licinius, ruled in the east...was puzzled by Constantine's acceptance of the Christian cult. He shortly found out why when he was accused or reneging on the agreement and murdered on the basis of religious freedom, thereby making Constantine sole emperor with the full backing of the influential cult of christ.
The problem came when figuring out how to organize the Christians who were in danger of splitting into different faiths...they had so much debate and disagreement about their prophet.
Although a devotee of sol invictus religion, Constantine convened the first council of Christians, to establish, once and for all, a single official view concerning the Christian cult and their Jewish prophet Jesus the christ.
Church leaders came from every part of the ancient world. Spain, Egypt, Persia, Syria, Armenia, and the holy land. This council was held in nicaea, now iznik in Turkey.
The council of nicea may 20 ad 325.
Constantine positioned himself in the center with bishops sitting around him...one of the main issue discussed was the whether or not Jesus was a man or God, and if he were indeed a God, what was the nature of his divinity?
Long story short, it came to a vote. Arius, a priest from Alexandria was the champion of the non god lobby. He lost and was outvoted as well as many Scriptures (outlawed) and labeled "Gnostic ".
Jesus divinity and the Trinity decided three centuries after his death. His godhood finalized and sealed.
And everything became more defined under the Roman Catholic nincene Creed, said at mass every day "we believe in one God. The father, the Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in one Jesus christ....."
What else .....
Oh here is a real quote :
"It has served us well, this myth of christ "
--- Pope Leo x, the Pope who dubbed king Henry VIII the 'defender' of the faith.
Roughly summarized pages 60-70 the Hiram key.
Not 300 years ago...1700 years ago....
there's a watchdog human rights group following developments and occasionally organizing protest or letter-writing campaigns: http://www.soaw.org (School of the Americas Watch)