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edited March 2012 in General Banter
So today I got a call from a store where we asked for donations for our programs. They said there as a full cart waiting for me. So I went to get it and full does not describe this, it had a box perched on top and another box under the basket, all of the dollar section items for our kids. Wow, They also have volunteers who work there go and read at schools so I have one date set up for them to come after school.

Then I talked to my coworker who supervises the school where most refugees start out. I was asking about the most common languages and one fairly common one is French. I am so excited to go over one day, I took 4 years of college French and just joined a conversation meet-up group so I can have a social life.


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Cool! Francais! And what a score! Not only lots of loot from the store, but volunteer readers! You're on a roll, Heerdt! :)
    (I told you this Dragon year is said to be auspicious )
  • Oui, I am teaching the Spanish speaking kids to say 'J'aime le fromage' (I like cheese)

    And I forgot one of the best things, we had our weekly group meeting and the one lady did NOT say something to 'call me out' even once. It has been a year and she has pretty much done that every meeting. Our sup even made a nice comment about how we should be careful talking about the site we take over since someone has been working with that site to this point. I thought that was nice (I am the only one this has happened to)
  • This sounds great :clap: doing good and doing good things for many others as well, but hey, they may not all like cheese :p
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    J'aime les tortillas! haha! :D
    hey, they may not all like cheese :p
  • Great news!
  • @AHeerdt I am very happy for you as I have posted, but I cannot help but understand how the word 'score' came about as it is now. It use to me the number 20, but then it became a word of use in sports for getting a goal or basket, and now it is used for when something goes your way. Just thought I would share that thought, sorry for thread jacking, I am the thread jack devil according to Alison.. Still, I am happy for you the same :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    No, she "scored" a huge basketful of donations, as well as some volunteers for her program.
  • Kinda like the sports announcers who say 'she shoots, she scores!' except I am too short to shoot and score
  • I never said you were a thread Jack devil. I don't give a shit about that. I said you were the handsome devil to force me out the privacy closet and post my pic. @thailandtom

    I'm happy for you op, tres bien!
    @AHeerdt I am very happy for you as I have posted, but I cannot help but understand how the word 'score' came about as it is now. It use to me the number 20, but then it became a word of use in sports for getting a goal or basket, and now it is used for when something goes your way. Just thought I would share that thought, sorry for thread jacking, I am the thread jack devil according to Alison.. Still, I am happy for you the same :)
  • I never said you were a thread Jack devil. I don't give a shit about that. I said you were the handsome devil to force me out the privacy closet and post my pic. @thailandtom

    I'm happy for you op, tres bien!
    @AHeerdt I am very happy for you as I have posted, but I cannot help but understand how the word 'score' came about as it is now. It use to me the number 20, but then it became a word of use in sports for getting a goal or basket, and now it is used for when something goes your way. Just thought I would share that thought, sorry for thread jacking, I am the thread jack devil according to Alison.. Still, I am happy for you the same :)
    lol, my bad. Mixed 2 things up in my mind there.. Keep us updated AHeerdt, althugh I am sure you will anyway :p
  • Well in the service of the Read Aloud Day events at our 9 schools I popped popcorn for 170 small bags today, already did 50 last week, and then have another 250 to do for Friday and Monday.

    Plus I worked with staff to fabric paint Dr Seuss characters on t-shirts and then had to read aloud to them. Whew, the suffering here :p
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I can't believe all this work you're doing. This is unpaid time, right?
  • Nope, while my job is 'flexible' I can support sites so they can have their events a little better than we have done before. These events make us look good to funders, increase school day and after school connections and when things are fun our attendance is better.

    I am on a hiatus from volunteering, I have done so much and many of those organizations did not consider me for paid positions. It is not sour grapes but being very mindful of how I spend my time and energy, unfortunately volunteering does not get hte jobs.

    My sup and I joked that this was pretty expensive popcorn and I was a little overqualified with my masters.
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