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Bad Dream

edited March 2012 in General Banter
Does anyone else here have a lot of bad dreams? If so, what do you do when you wake up, to lessen that initial shock and the residual thoughts?

I replay it a couple times with alternate endings, like I'm a film director - it helps me feel like I'm in control. I meditate (in bed) and try to just be still.

I just had a bad dream, and woke up feeling really nauseated that's what I get for watching Scream 4 before bed, I guess.



  • I use to have 'bad' dreams a lot, killing, running away from things, drugs etc, but they are mere dreams, am illusion of reality. I use to wake up and consider it more of a movie than a dream.

    You should try relaxing yourself at least 30-60 minutes before you attempt to sleep, no stimuli that is violent etc. Although I have done exactly that and still had the most violent dreams I can imagine. But still, dreams are dreams, you wake up and they are no more...
  • True Tom - very true. I love horror films but before bed was a terrible idea!
  • I had a dream not long ago about a prison where there was a riot and it was overtaken. I cannot even describe the violence that went on, but before sleep I did not watch any horror movies or anything linked to this nature. The brain is a curious thing. But like with a lot of the teachings of buddhism, let it go... It has happened therfore it does not exist now. Clinging to it will most likely induce some sort of suffering. I love the idea of waking up from a dream to reality, but then again waking up from ignorance (avidya) and waking to reality :)
  • I heard that getting up and getting a glass of water helps
    ..basically just get up and do something...and a little night joke! I have one
  • Yes i read that the way we sleep these days is not natural so to speak, it may have been here. Anyway, going back 80-100 years people slept 4 hours, woek up did things, then slept another 3-4 hours. But still OP dreams are dream, I dreamt I was enlightened, am I now, LOL no!
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I used to have pretty bad insomnia, and then when I would fall asleep, I always had nightmares. It got so bad that sometimes I felt like I was just avoiding sleeping because of the dreams. I felt like this was a symptom of my overall anxiety level though. Recently I went through a pretty stressful period in my life and once again... bad dreams came back.

    It also does seem like the last thing I spent time thinking about (like a book, movie, etc) does seem to have an effect on my dreams as well though. I watch a lot of horror movies as well (surprise, surprise) ...but mostly, I have zombie related dreams which are awesome. I'm always a bad ass and rarely scared.

    I think the main feeling, for me, after having a nightmare is utter appreciation for my REAL life and that whatever my dream torment was... wasn't real. Perhaps you could try to focus more on appreciation for reality instead of whatever horrors your mind just went through.
  • @zombiegirl what are you doing up?
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Oh, also... whenever I watch a particularly disturbing movie, I ALWAYS watch a happy/peaceful one after it. I don't like to carry that stuff longer than I have to... But you don't always know exactly what you're in for when you start it.
    For example, the movie (not the comedy) The Girl Next Door which is a true account of a younger boy growing up next to an EXTREME case of child abuse... ugh. Some times after I watch certain things, I just think, I need to get this out of my head... lol.
  • I'm so glad I'm normal...
    Yes i read that the way we sleep these days is not natural so to speak, it may have been here. Anyway, going back 80-100 years people slept 4 hours, woek up did things, then slept another 3-4 hours. But still OP dreams are dream, I dreamt I was enlightened, am I now, LOL no!
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    @Lady_Alison I worked tonight, so I typically get home around 3am, feel a bit wired, need to eat, need to drink water, need to relax... need to waste time watching youtube videos? lol.

    I'm seriously going to bed soon... I am getting a massage at 12 tomorrow and should be sleeping, hehe.
  • My nightmares are always about me losing my Kitty. Don't laugh!

    I'm very afraid we will leave thedoor open and she will get out... in my dreams I'm running around screaming her name.
  • I go to bed at 11 or 12 and wake up at 4 am... I catch another 4 hours during mid morning. Husband goes to work and I'm kind enough to make him gruel before pushing him out the door.

    He really needs to stop calling my oatmeal "gruel "
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I sleep far too much... but I can't seem to make myself get up at a reasonable hour unless I have something to do. I function much better on less sleep.
  • I'm so glad I'm normal...
    Yes i read that the way we sleep these days is not natural so to speak, it may have been here. Anyway, going back 80-100 years people slept 4 hours, woek up did things, then slept another 3-4 hours. But still OP dreams are dream, I dreamt I was enlightened, am I now, LOL no!
    Oh and what is normal oh grand Lady Alsion lol? Define it please?
  • I worried my interrupted sleep patterns were unhealthy...but apparently ...
  • Read above Tom....^_^
  • Okay Alison, I was refering to what is exactly 'normal' how can one define such a thing? I use to sleep 4-5 hours every day when I was in my school years and I never felt tired, but that has all changed now. Anyway, still waiting for my gf to get ready, patience is key :grumble:
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