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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited March 2012 in General Banter
Unless I have one of my phases of insomnia (which really do no good at all), I do not commicate with the forum members so much. Ah, this may be a blessing to some, but it kind of annoys me as I live in SE Asia and the majority are Americans. I am going to sleep now, Tuesday 11.30pm and I wish you all a good day. Maybe speak to a few of you later, tootles :p


  • it's 3:30pm in texas wake up....just like you kept me up at 4 am my time

    beep beep beep beep
  • 7am is too early for me right now, back to my pillow :)
  • Beep beep woke me up today get the fuc- up!
  • lol, wow someone is kranky! beep beep beep, I AM UP!
  • Lol...finally, the prince you need a cup of coffee lol...I did! Lol I'm just kidding! Why are you up at 6 am?
  • I don't actually drink coffee, so I shall not be wanting any of that thankyou! It is now 9.35am, someone has a faulty clock :rolleyes: or maybe dodgy coffee... I woke up originally at 7am though and went back to sleep to rest my head :)
  • I've been very absent on here, too. Life keeps us busy sometimes. :)
  • Hi @weighted ... while you're at work we screw around! Lol.
  • I no longer put burbon in my coffee, thank you very much. :rant:
  • Hi @weighted ... while you're at work we screw around! Lol.
    I can see that! :)
  • Life, busy pfft lol. I hope things are going okay though @weighted :thumbsup:
  • I no longer put burbon in my coffee, thank you very much. :rant:
    Yea now it is gin seeing as you are getting old! There there granny Ally :)
  • @weighted what was your high point and low point of your day?

    What did you like most and what do you like least?

    I do this with my friend's kids after school.
  • Lol...and forgetful!
  • My grandma use to put liquor in her coffee...does alcohol get old?

    She had an opened Johnny walker that was almost a decade...I worried she'd drink out of and put it under a cabinet but come to find out, she got around to drinking it. Man, did granny like her chasers and spiked anything.
  • lol, your grandma sounds like an interesting charcter to say the least. That would be called an Irish coffee would it not, Irish it up a bit as they say. lol @spikey anything. So you are following in her footsteps, good for you :thumbsup: I should maybe add coffe to my whisky! No, I don't drink at 10am... anymore
  • Nah, I don't think she was an alcoholic..she went months without a drink. It was social but she had a high tolerance. I don't know if it's genes but I can enjoy a cigarette and not feel inclined to buy a pack...or I buy a pack and smoke it and I don't buy another one.

    I don't smoke but I don't have an addictive personality in that sense. I think it's because I hate monotony and habbits
  • Bad habbits that is...lord, * yawn* I is tired...I got up at 4 and kept going til dinner time. I'm about to pass out...where is that gin! Have you seen my medicine?

    I will ttyl...I love the word natter! What does that mean anyway I got it from dandelion.
  • lol, tiredness has made you crazy. The medicines I have will knock you out like a light.. I have an addictive personality as well, but I don't smoke and never have. I will ttyl too, natter is an english word, it just means to chat, chit chat, natter, nat nat lol
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