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View Burden

RichardHRichardH Veteran
edited March 2012 in Meditation
When I'm involved in views and opinions, especially ones I attach to as True, there is implicit an assumption that somehow they migrate beyond my skull, and are carried by other people. When I feel the need to convince another person of the rightness of a view, there is a necessary confusion at play about where that view abides. That view, its feeling, its energy, is entirely within this body and mind. It is entirely my burden. If I am angry at someone, that anger is entirely my own experience, especially if the object of my anger is unaware of my state ....which is very common..

This is all pretty obvious, but of course it often isn't lived that way... If I know that every view, every perception, every feeling about life, about other people, without exception, is happening only within this body and mind, and that the only one carrying this thing is me... how can it be sustained? It can't. Views will come up in response to conditions, the brain views, but they will not be carried more than one step if there is no confusion about where they abide.

I don't think a single big insight into this ends the tendency to confuse.... there has to be repeated variations of that insight, combined with a slow wearing down... a slow sinking-in, and a long term fatigue with refuge in view.... and a kind of forgetting.. into simple sense. Maybe it's just getting old.

just viewing. thanks


  • Why would views "not be carried more than one step" just because you have a particular view about their abode?
  • That was well written and resonated with me. Thank you.
  • robotrobot Veteran
    Why would views "not be carried more than one step" just because you have a particular view about their abode?
    I think you may have missed the point entirely. A view has no abode, other than in the momentary conditions that spawned it. To cling to it past one step away from those conditions is to fall back into confusion. Something that every one does repeatedly.
    Which is exactly what Richard said, only he said it better.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    "Don't worry about the view - just let go of your opinions!"

    (Quotation in one of the Lama Surya Das books).
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    The beating heart in this chest and the beating heart in your chest may co-arise, be not-two..."one life" and so forth. But this heart is pumping this blood, and your heart is pumping yours.. likewise thoughts and volitional impulses arising in this body and mind.. shouldn't be confused the with those arising in yours

    That all I'm saying ... The karmic buck stops here.

  • Have you by any chance heard of mirror neurons.
  • Have you by any chance heard of mirror neurons.
    Tell me about mirror neurons.

  • Why would views "not be carried more than one step" just because you have a particular view about their abode?
    I think you may have missed the point entirely.
    Yes, if I could appreciate the point I wouldn't question it.

    Rather than continuing to talk about the subject in highfalutin or safe abstractions I will speak of it practically. Say someone had a view of a particular social injustice within their community. What would prevent them from taking 'the next step' and do something about this social injustice? Would having the view that this view of injustice only exists within them stop them from taking the next step? Why not do something about social injustice anyway? Isn't it really pride that would prevent taking "more that one step" against social injustice? pride in the self-image of self-control, to the extent that you know something is wrong but you wouldn't do anything about it because of the self-image that you're 'above' right and wrong.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    We are sympathetic... we are empathetic.. we are not in little isolated silos.... we have responsibilities ....and we can have discernment.

    ....a righteous view is better than a wicked view.. but a righteous view is pernicious when attached to . The best action..Bodhisattva action, is not view based.

    In a way the OP was an unfair one.. because it is not a proposition. I mean it can be taken as one.. but not to me it isn't... it is just practice.
  • The best action..Bodhisattva action, is not view based.
    Depending on how you look at it no action is "view based." Everyones (including Bodhisattva's) actions are based in needs, desires or values. "Views" only aid in fulfilling our needs. For example, if we witness someone being hurt by something we might have the "view" that that something is not good. Because we value others and have a natural inclination to help when they're in pain we're likely to do something about it. Only by recognizing the thing which is causing harm as not good can we do something to help the person being hurt.

    The view that the best action is not "view based" is itself just a view, which would mean that actions based on it would not be the best. This makes sense in that acting blindly would not be the best course of action to fulfill a specific need.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    oy. Hi Pokey... One time I had a teacher.. my first zen teacher.. he was a prick.. to be honest, but a good teacher... at least for me at the time. Once after I cleverly spoke up about Buddhism.... yet again, he looked at me and screamed "YOU!!! ...SHUT UP!!!" . After that he would just say "sit". He could also be very sweet, but always scared the shit out me on a certain level.

    so... Cleverness at a certain point... is just spaghetti headed. At a certain point it is time to cut it off and just sit "without wobbling".

    You'll disagree.. and thats ok. I don't want to drag this out though... so you can have the last word..

  • Yeah we're well past "one step" now. :)

    If you're just talking about meditation then yeah, when meditating it's best to meditate. :rolleyes:
  • You know, the worst part of this line of thinking is that much of our so called "views" are not even conscious, so how can you drop a view that you don't even realize exists?

    They say people really want cognitive ease, because it takes effort think. Resting in our intuitions is a big part of why there are so many mistakes in the world.
  • You mean I might not know everything? Devistating.
  • You know, the worst part of this line of thinking is that much of our so called "views" are not even conscious, so how can you drop a view that you don't even realize exists?

    They say people really want cognitive ease, because it takes effort think. Resting in our intuitions is a big part of why there are so many mistakes in the world.
    For me, applying the understandings like you express here, pokey, about the nature of " views ", helps me not want to hang on to anything I see, think or believe currently .... it is about loosening the grip.

  • robotrobot Veteran
    You know, the worst part of this line of thinking is that much of our so called "views" are not even conscious, so how can you drop a view that you don't even realize exists?.
    Can you please give an example of a view that you are clinging to that you do not know exists?
  • A point is that it could be more useful to 'loosen the grip' on the illustion of control (e.g., "not carried more than one step"). Self-control may be largly based in ego.
  • You know, the worst part of this line of thinking is that much of our so called "views" are not even conscious, so how can you drop a view that you don't even realize exists?.
    Can you please give an example of a view that you are clinging to that you do not know exists?
    Not sure about your use of "clinging," but see:
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited March 2012
    It is not about control to strengthen up a sense of self, rather to let go of any idea of static views.
  • Indeed, letting go the idea of a static view. Is that, by the way, a static view?
  • No, never - lol.
  • Lol, in that case the prosecution rests.
  • The OP reminds of my experience in dealing with addiction - it can be seen as a problem which lives within the individual ... a narrow view and beating the addiction requires accepting help from others.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    You know, the worst part of this line of thinking is that much of our so called "views" are not even conscious, so how can you drop a view that you don't even realize exists?

    Yes true. utterly unconscious view is like the ground we walk on.. that is why when we are serious about practice we accept guidance, and literally face the wall come hell or high water for years ...until we truly know what it is like to shut the f*ck up. It is an amazing thing.... and when we truly experience no-view, it is like the end of our life....yet, oddly no big deal. ....and it is not a one shot deal either, because old habits die hard. So practice goes on.. But a taste is a milestone and there are no words for it.. except cessation of suffering... or if "cessation" rubs some people the wrong way "genuine non-suffering". but first,,, first.. there has to be a crack in our armor.. a little bit of chastening... a gap in our wall to wall stupidity.

  • Not surprisingly Richard, you are doing what you don't want to do.
    I don't want to drag this out though...
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Not surprisingly Richard, you are doing what you don't want to do.
    I don't want to drag this out though...
    Saying :"shut up and do it" is a conclusion. One I am grateful to have heard.
  • You already said that. Repetition is the epitome of "draging it out." You might at least try to engadge the current dialog.
  • You guys are funny.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    The OP is not stupid game... and I
    You guys are funny.
    That is not funny or clever or helpful, Lama.

  • Relax, Richard.
  • IronRabbitIronRabbit Veteran
    edited March 2012
    @pokey Just disagreeing about a non-view being a view or hypothesizing about circumstances in which a view might lead to many "steps" of further action as a refutation of "detachment" vs. "engagement" doesn't win a point of debate - it denies the validity of insight and makes a mockery of discipline in favor of self indulgence.

    Intuiting that one's "view" or one's "story" is false in the sense that it is a personal fiction that doesn't require "one step further" is an insight about identity - or rather the lack of need for identity. The fight's over - there's no need to defend this puffed up identity that has been created by a lifetime of pain, pleasure, hurt, need, want, humiliation, explanation, retaliation, etc., etc. etc.....

    @RichardH surmises; but first,,, first.. there has to be a crack in our armor.. a little bit of chastening... a gap in our wall to wall stupidity.

    Overlooking this little detail is inherent in those whose armor has not been chinked. It is a doorway of perception that illuminates the ignorance with which we honor our "views", our "logic", our "cleverness" and create delusion. Such creation is out of "need" for identity.

    Seeing clearly - one doesn't need to spin off into the "storyline" and feed and nourish the "view" - but can simply know that one is that "that is"....

    This isn't doublespeak and dragging it out is tiresome when dragging it out doesn't drag the core feeling into the cold hard light of day for a good, hard, honest look-see. Using this insubstantial language we are stuck with to communicate self realization that has nothing to do with the conventional notion of "self" is pretty much like a monkey f@#king a football, too.

    So, to the point of such realization being temporary - the habitual creation of a false self is good practice for applying the discipline of practice to uncover, awaken and illuminate the true self - a skillful pursuit devoid of "view" - or delusion.

    Ouch....I hurt my brain....

    And Richard - don't relax - stay poised - ready. Shit, do you have a choice????

  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Relax, Richard.
    Well. that's a whole other thread. But it is impossible to tell whether someone is upset or not, relaxed or not, via keyboard. There is no inflection. I do think you display a certain "oppositional defiance disorder" that I don't recall back when you first signed onto this forum.. you were different,

    But, whatever... it just makes want to go read book instead..
  • Relax, Richard.
    Well. that's a whole other thread. But it is impossible to tell whether someone is upset or not, relaxed or not, via keyboard. There is no inflection. I do think you display a certain "oppositional defiance disorder" that I don't recall back when you first signed onto this forum.. you were different,

    But, whatever... it just makes want to go read book instead..
    Speaking of implicit views, that's lot.
  • "oppositional defiance disorder"

    google it..

  • "oppositional defiance disorder"

    google it..

    Google ad hominem attack.
  • I can see why that would be thought, why a view like that would arise from your interactions here, can not you pokey? or is it pokey by name, for pokey by nature - just poking to get a reaction?
  • @pokey Just disagreeing about a non-view being a view or hypothesizing about circumstances in which a view might lead to many "steps" of further action as a refutation of "detachment" vs. "engagement" doesn't win a point of debate - it denies the validity of insight and makes a mockery of discipline in favor of self indulgence.

    Intuiting that one's "view" or one's "story" is false in the sense that it is a personal fiction that doesn't require "one step further" is an insight about identity - or rather the lack of need for identity. The fight's over - there's no need to defend this puffed up identity that has been created by a lifetime of pain, pleasure, hurt, need, want, humiliation, explanation, retaliation, etc., etc. etc.....
    Now that we have some idea of the implicit views which linger far beyond "one step," what I find interesting now is the explicit views expressed. I would not have expected words like chastening and defiance to be used openly in a topic about individuation of views and their suppression.

    The truth is that people are influenced on a daily basis by views that they are deliberately primed for. Can it really be said in any meaningful way that such views abide only within people when these views are intentionally primed by others, and the subjects are not even consciously aware of the views they've been primed for? And even if people are aware of their views, believing that they abide in a particular place apparently makes no difference in their influential capacity.

    Just pay attention, as the mans says, and see what happens.
  • I can see why that would be thought, why a view like that would arise from your interactions here, can not you pokey? or is it pokey by name, for pokey by nature - just poking to get a reaction?
    Ad hominems are useful to some, yes I know.
  • robotrobot Veteran
    My view? pokey=praxis
  • I agree with RichardH - reading books is not boring.
  • I agree with RichardH - reading books is not boring.
    Second that, well it depends on the book :p
  • I would not have expected words like chastening and defiance to be used openly in a topic about individuation of views and their suppression.

    The truth is that people are influenced on a daily basis by views that they are deliberately primed for. Can it really be said in any meaningful way that such views abide only within people when these views are intentionally primed by others, and the subjects are not even consciously aware of the views they've been primed for? And even if people are aware of their views, believing that they abide in a particular place apparently makes no difference in their influential capacity.

    Just pay attention, as the mans says, and see what happens.
    Hey pokey - taking issue with chastening or defiance is a bit defensive, no?

    Further, labeling the OP a topic about individuation of views and their suppression is an oversimplification and a reductionist misnomer at best.

    Insight into views and the tolerance and observance of them without acting out - or acting appropriately - with awareness of them is closer to the mark.

    Whether influenced by other views - conscious or unconscious - primed or spontaneous - one's view can only be said to abide within one metaphorically - as a frame of reference. Really, in truth - we are the view - the influence - the abode - the awareness - the intention - the defiance - the chastening - the armor - the chink - the step - the detachment.

    Paying attention to the egoic mind will only reveal what happens to feed it.
  • edited March 2012
    I would not have expected words like chastening and defiance to be used openly in a topic about individuation of views and their suppression.

    The truth is that people are influenced on a daily basis by views that they are deliberately primed for. Can it really be said in any meaningful way that such views abide only within people when these views are intentionally primed by others, and the subjects are not even consciously aware of the views they've been primed for? And even if people are aware of their views, believing that they abide in a particular place apparently makes no difference in their influential capacity.

    Just pay attention, as the mans says, and see what happens.
    Hey pokey - taking issue with chastening or defiance is a bit defensive, no?
    Lol, more than a bit I would say.

  • edited March 2012
    The OP is not stupid game... and I
    You guys are funny.
    That is not funny or clever or helpful, Lama.

    Sorry, you're right and I apologize. What I should have said is that it's funny to see view burden demonstrated
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    yeah, could you two quit with the 'ad hominems' and 'oppositional defiance disorders' and stop baiting, flaming and goading?

    so kind, thanks.
  • The OP is not stupid game... and I
    You guys are funny.
    That is not funny or clever or helpful, Lama.

    Sorry, you're right and I apologize. What I should have said is that it's funny to see view burden demonstrated
    It is a tenacious thing. The moment we open our mouths... with maybe the exception of "Pass the salt please"

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    which is fine, as long as you're not adding it before you've even tasted your food.... which my husband does.... :grumble:
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