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Will The iPad And E La Carte's 'Presto' Make Waiters Obsolete? (Crazy!)


  • I hope so. Those people get on my nerves.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I hope so. Those people get on my nerves.
    Really? Care to share?
  • ZenBadgerZenBadger Derbyshire, UK Veteran
    Never, a good waiter, a really good one adds to the enjoyment of the meal . You can't ask an iPad for a recommendation based on your own preferences and situation without a 20 question quiz at the start of the meal, a good waiter builds up an expert knowledge of the establishment, its clientele and the season. Of course waiters like that are few and far between these days so if you want expensive food in a glorified McDonalds (they may call their outlets a restaurant but I don't) then an iPad is probably a logical step.

    I would rather have my dining experience enhanced by a real person and order my meal at a relaxed pace.
  • My favorite restaurant , a sushi place, has an island where the chef works . The finished product is placed on little boats which float on a "river" surrounding the kitchen area. We patrons sit outside this area where the food floats by us continuously . No waiters except for drinks.... Just take what you want and pay for what you eat. The plates are colored coded so a final tally can be made.
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