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The Gospel of Judas

ajani_mgoajani_mgo Veteran
edited April 2006 in Faith & Religion
Amazing text...

So would anyone like to share their views on this?


  • questZENerquestZENer Veteran
    edited April 2006
    I was wondering if anyone would bring this up here. As some of you may know, I was educated at Christian religious schools my whole early life--0 through 12. I've always been interested in religious history. As this new gospel has come to light, I was reminded about gnosticism.

    Since I've been renewed my practice of Buddhism since last Fall, as this gospel has come to light I did a little snooping (read: procrastinating) and found some key tenants of gnosticism, some of which sound very 'Buddhist':

    1. The Gnostics posited an original spiritual unity that came to be split into a plurality.
    As a result of the precosmic division the universe was created. This was done by a leader possessing inferior spiritual powers and who often resembled the Old Testament Jehovah.
    2. A female emanation of God was involved in the cosmic creation (albeit in a much more positive role than the leader).
    3. In the cosmos, space and time have a malevolent character and may be personified as demonic beings separating people from God.
    4. In the cosmos, space and time have a malevolent character and may be personified as demonic beings separating people from God.
    5. For man, the universe is a vast prison. He is enslaved both by the physical laws of nature and by such moral laws as the Mosaic code.
    6. Personkind may be personified as Adam, who lies in the deep sleep of ignorance, his powers of spiritual self-awareness stupefied by materiality.
    7. Within each natural person is an "inner person," a fallen spark of the divine substance. Since this exists in each person, we have the possibility of awakening from our stupefaction.
    8. What effects the awakening is not obedience, faith, or good works, but knowledge.
    9. Before the awakening, we all undergo troubled dreams.
    10. Man does not attain the knowledge that awakens him from these dreams by cognition but through revelatory experience, and this knowledge is not information but a modification of the sensate being.
    11. The awakening (i.e., the salvation) of any individual is a cosmic event.
    12. Since the effort is to restore the wholeness and unity of the Godhead, active rebellion against the moral law of the Old Testament is enjoined upon everyone.

    This list is courtesy What is a Gnostic?

    What struck me in particular is the notion that gnosticism also values "waking up" from the delusion...

  • ajani_mgoajani_mgo Veteran
    edited April 2006
    I kinda feel that actually this line from the Gospel,

    "Let any one of you who is strong enough among human beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my face."

    means kinda alot to me. It seems to be what I feel Jesus actually thought (Now I'm a Gnostic!)
  • questZENerquestZENer Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Not having read any of the gnostic gospels in quite a long time, I can't understand the line you like. What does it say to you? What does it mean to you?
  • ajani_mgoajani_mgo Veteran
    edited April 2006
    To me personally, it's one of absolute confidence, in a sense that you fear nothing and you want and in fact, do perfection. THis is the best as far as I can phrase it in words.
  • not1not2not1not2 Veteran
    edited April 2006
    1. The Gnostics posited an original spiritual unity that came to be split into a plurality.
    As a result of the precosmic division the universe was created. This was done by a leader possessing inferior spiritual powers and who often resembled the Old Testament Jehovah.
    2. A female emanation of God was involved in the cosmic creation (albeit in a much more positive role than the leader).
    3. In the cosmos, space and time have a malevolent character and may be personified as demonic beings separating people from God.
    4. In the cosmos, space and time have a malevolent character and may be personified as demonic beings separating people from God.
    5. For man, the universe is a vast prison. He is enslaved both by the physical laws of nature and by such moral laws as the Mosaic code.
    6. Personkind may be personified as Adam, who lies in the deep sleep of ignorance, his powers of spiritual self-awareness stupefied by materiality.
    7. Within each natural person is an "inner person," a fallen spark of the divine substance. Since this exists in each person, we have the possibility of awakening from our stupefaction.
    8. What effects the awakening is not obedience, faith, or good works, but knowledge.
    9. Before the awakening, we all undergo troubled dreams.
    10. Man does not attain the knowledge that awakens him from these dreams by cognition but through revelatory experience, and this knowledge is not information but a modification of the sensate being.
    11. The awakening (i.e., the salvation) of any individual is a cosmic event.
    12. Since the effort is to restore the wholeness and unity of the Godhead, active rebellion against the moral law of the Old Testament is enjoined upon everyone

    Goodstuff, QZ. Just out of curiosity, were 3 & 4 supposed to be the same? Sorry I'm such a stickler.

    A few comments:
    2) I believe the feminine here is Sophia (or Wisdom) and that there is language in the original Hebrew rendering of Genesis which might indicate this.

    6) Adam Kadmon is a similar concept in Kabalah which represents Primordial Man (Adam) and pure awareness. It is associated with Ayin or no-thing-ness which is associated with Keter, the highest sefirot (emanation aspect) of God in Lurianic Kabalah.

    7) This also has parallels in Kabalah.

    8) I think knowledge here refers to 'gnosis' rather than anything intellectual.

    In regards to this statement:
    "Let any one of you who is strong enough among human beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my face."

    I think this could be interpreted in a way that means we each must bring out our own (innate) inner perfection (or inner Christ) in order to stand before the Ultimate. This could have a parallel with the idea of buddhadhatu (buddha nature).

    Anyway, it's time for me to go home. Talk to you later.

  • questZENerquestZENer Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Hey, n1n2, yeah, 3 & 4 were meant to be the same! I don't really know anything about Kaballah, but maybe we could ask Madonna/Esther?

    As for Ajani:
    "Let any one of you who is strong enough among human beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my face."

    This sounds curiously to me like the "those of you who are innoscent cast the first stone" incident when the crowd of people were going to stone someone--a woman adulterer perhaps--when Jesus came on the scene and shamed all the rabble with their stones. It seems to me that it's a challenge for us to make ourselves into perfect humans. But I haven't read the book, nor do I know the context.

    Re: Jesus' words, there is a cool book available online for free download that excerpts all of JC's words from the synoptic gospels. They cut away all the story and just let the words float--pretty cool really. Unfortunately, it's rendered from King James, not the most accurate not easy to understand, but nice & flowery. I think it's here. Scroll all the way down. You can download all or just selected chapters.

  • ajani_mgoajani_mgo Veteran
    edited April 2006
    You can find it online at here:

    I bought the official book by NGC The Gospel of Judas yesterday! WOOHOO!!!

    And yes, not1not2, why didn't I think of that? In a way I agree with you! :rockon:
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Ajani, dear searching brother,

    Have you yet come across the Gospel of Thomas?
  • ajani_mgoajani_mgo Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Yes, but I haven't got a serious chance to study it. But yes, the gnostics were truly those who went to seek out Truth for themselves... But could the gnostics actually be right? As in Jesus came down to really teach this?
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited April 2006
    ajani_mgo wrote:
    Yes, but I haven't got a serious chance to study it. But yes, the gnostics were truly those who went to seek out Truth for themselves... But could the gnostics actually be right? As in Jesus came down to really teach this?

    They could.

    Indeed, the whole Jesus story may be a parable pointing solely to the fact of gnosis as a reality for all humans.
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Isn't a Gnomon the pointed device at the centre of a sundial? is this related to this Gnostic business?

    this time I'm not joking...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2006
    gno·mon Audio pronunciation of "Gnomon" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nmn, -mn)

    1. An object, such as the style of a sundial, that projects a shadow used as an indicator.
    2. The geometric figure that remains after a parallelogram has been removed from a similar but larger parallelogram with which it shares a corner.

    [Latin gnmn, from Greek, interpreter, pointer of a sundial, from gignskein, to know. See gn- in Indo-European Roots.]

    Gnos·tic Audio pronunciation of "Gnostic" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nstk)

    1. gnostic Of, relating to, or possessing intellectual or spiritual knowledge.
    2. Of or relating to Gnosticism.


    A believer in Gnosticism.

    [Late Latin Gnsticus, a Gnostic, from Late Greek Gnstikos, from Greek gnstikos, concerning knowledge, from gnsis, knowledge.

    There may well be a link, as someone who points the way with their know-how.....?
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited April 2006
    mmmm kind of thought there may be-but i'm not totally convinced as yet, as to whether there is a direct root to the word.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited April 2006
    There is a connection, of course.

    The Indo-Eurpean root word is g^n (I'm not sure of the signs used). We find it in ken, knowledge,etc.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2006
    I got a theory about this newly discovered text...

    You know how you have really hardened criminals, not a good bone in their bodies, who perpetrate the most heinous crimes...But somehow, their mothers still think the sun shines out from their deepest darkest depths....?

    I can only hypothesise, but I figure something like that happened here....

    "No, really, he is such a good boy, he phones me every week...brings me flowers and chocolates....he's just very misunderstood....He and JC were 'like that' (cross fingers together), you know, really, he was JC's closest friend and confidant...."

    His mamma probably wrote to a relative, and the relative told someone else, and that got passed on... and so, the chinese whispers grew.....

    Bit tongue-in-cheek, but then again, who knows....? :wtf: :tonguec: :D

    Found an article on it here you might be interested to have a gander at....!
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Do you know, Fede, the old legend?

    Thus have I heard, that, on the night after Jesus was buried and all the disciples ran away, Mary the Mother of Jesus visit Judas' mother because they had both lost their sons.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Oooohh! I like that one, Simon. Never heard it before. Very beautiful.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2006
    I was always puzzled though, as a young child, what Judas ever did with his carrot....

    Maybe these texts will reveal all... *deep sigh*! :poke: :lol:
  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited April 2006
    federica wrote:
    I was always puzzled though, as a young child, what Judas ever did with his carrot....

    Maybe these texts will reveal all... *deep sigh*! :poke: :lol:

    PMPL!! :lol:

    Apparently, the epithet 'iscariot' is most likely a mistranslation. Some of the Essene texts refer to Judas as Judas Siccarius. A siccarius was a type of long-bladed dagger, somewhat like a stilletto, and the inference of the name suggests it was synonymous with 'assassin', showing Judas' association with the events leading to Christs' demise. Another one that always fascinates me is that Jesus is referred to as the Nazarene- (From Nazareth), but according to historical records, Nazareth wasn't built until some 300 years after Christs' time. The likeliest explanation is that it's another mistranslation- this time of the word 'Nazarean'. The Nazareans were a subsect of the Essenes that were prevalent at the time of Christ, so they are the most likely candidates for this explanation.
  • ajani_mgoajani_mgo Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Well Christ could be the classical case of "Find your own way to Nirvana" since so many people used his same teachings to be interpreted in various contexts and felt their so-termed "closeness" to God. (Neurotheology's interesting...)

    Anyway, digressing a little, since Nirvana is a mind-state, does anyone want to speculate about the neurocognitive structure of an enlightened mind? :P

    I speculate that the cerebullum cortex would have to be pernamently deactivated and the limbic system would be pernamently releasing endomorphines, as the mind finally connects the neurons involved in "EVERYTHING" of Life to "Happiness", a really difficult thing to do since fears and many other external events may hinder with this linkage. But once the mind is "enlightened", this linkage is self-repetitive as the endomorphines keep on being released as it is fired and firing by these neurons again and again and again. Of course, compassion and empathy is still felt through the usual means of memes.
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