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What does 'sense pleasure' mean to you?

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited March 2012 in Buddhism Basics
For me it is something that I feel really anxious if I don't have. For example for the past week I have been eating turkey pepperoni, cheese, and crackers each night.

Now that is kind of like a sense pleasure but in some sense it is just that I am hungry and that is 'the usual' snack. So it isn't wrong to eat when hungry I think, though I know it is said not to eat late at night.

Another sense pleasure is smoking a pipe. I found three features of this when analyzing. One is sort of a fantasy I have of myself as 'cutting corners' or 'breaking the mold' or something. You know you want to do it! :rarr: And that's fine but if I analyze that and see the anxiety and craving it is connected to that feeling eventually dissipates. This was the main demon in giving up drinking (for me). That binge recklessness. I beat the binge by drinking every night six beers. Every night. Every night. And it wasn't any kind of sneakiness it was just a dead serious health choice.

So then there are the other two layers I found to smoking. The visualization of the body feeling I will have. And that is accompanied also by a urge almost like a urge to jerk off. And that leads to the third level is the idea that I will be put in a better frame of mind. You know like you take a shower to feel fresh.

The third layer I don't think is a problem it is kind of like eating food so that you are not hungry. Just to feel in a better state of mind. The catch is that then you get attached to that to put you in a frame of mind. And second the relaxation is impermanent.

What do you think? Is the meaning of sense pleasure obvious or do you have some analysis you would like to add?


  • It sounds to me, jiffy...that you like to experience your world and environment throught your senses..touch, see, hear, smell, taste, intuition/perception.

    Instead of quantity, try quality. Try a beatiful fruit salad that is aestheticly pleasing. A healthy nature walk to appease your sight, hearing, smell.

    Art for feeling and well as music.

    Many different healthy outlets for a "sensing" personality like you...just got to try a few ones. I wish I could learn to be more sense able...but I'm intuitive/feeling.

    Good thread.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Music is a sense pleasure. ooh, and yeah, the nature walk Alison mentioned. Take in the fragrance of the trees, the cool breeze, the sun on your skin, the wind rustling in the trees. It's a great meditation. :)

    hmm...soaking in a nice tub of hot water is so relaxing! I guess it's a sense pleasure, but I don't think of it that way.

    Here's a sense pleasure: the roar of the ocean, and the spray of the sea water in the sun, as you're walking and splashing at the edge of the waves on the beach. The smell of the sea air, the cool breeze, the cry of the gulls overhead. AHHhhhh!
  • seeing directly the impermanence of the sense realms brings about "pleasure".

    for instance for the tactile sense. one can focus on a sensation and penetrate it. the sensation is not static but moves around in minute details. sensing the flow of the body brings great pleasure.

    how about eye sense. focusing on an object and seeing how it shifts around when concentration is firm.

    at a certain point pleasure and pain are not distinguishable because both are deconstructed experientially as flow. just arising and passing.

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited March 2012
    I really have lost so many sense pleasures either through conscious acts or unconscious acts, but music, I do not indulge anymore or have the urge to listen. Eating is what it is, food to keep you going. If I have it then I have it, if not then I don't. If it is good food then it is good food and visa versa. I guess it is quite impossible to not have any kind of pleasure during sex, unless it is really uneefective, disfunctional sex, but I do not attach to it. I guess I have become middle way'd with a lot of these sense pleasures that occur in our everyday life. I take them for what they litrally are and do not feel the need to have them around if they are not already there such as the sight of a sunset or smell of homecooking.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Enjoy everything to the full, when you have it.
    Enjoy its absence to the full, when you don't.
  • Here's a sense pleasure: the roar of the ocean, and the spray of the sea water in the sun, as you're walking and splashing at the edge of the waves on the beach. The smell of the sea air, the cool breeze, the cry of the gulls overhead. AHHhhhh!
    Yes, that's nice. And then back home to binge on ice-cream... :D
  • edited March 2012
    back home to binge on ice-cream... :D
    Unfortunately sugar is poisonous to me. So long as I don't swallow it I can enjoy it. If I do swallow ice cream I will be in physical pain for many hours.

    Mildly stimulating pleasures such as a warm breeze, or birdsong, books, a smile from a nice girl have no downside. Anything with a downside- especially one where the downside outweighs the goodside- really just ruins life for me.

    Perhaps you've heard of the expression 'youth is wasted on the young'. Well I squandered my youth feeling mighty, but because of what I used to do, don't feel quite so mighty now. Being young made me feel old! :(

    Just give me a nice boring quiet day on a sunny hillside and perhaps someone to share it with. Content is a keyword here. Content!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    ah.... 'Youth is wasted on the young'.

    the next person who tells me it's a line from a Robbie Williams song, gets it....

    :rolleyes: :grumble: :rant:
  • the next person who tells me it's a line from a Robbie Williams song, gets it....

    Robbie who? :D
  • just had a pizza jeffrey.
    was amazing. lots of pleasure.
    just realized that taste itself is the impermanence.

    dependently originated phenomena appearing as awareness of taste. distinction in flavor and arising/passing of taste is amazing. even the unpleasant and the pleasant. all of one taste of taste (emptiness & luminousity).

    just thoughts for you.
  • Just a thought. Is thinking a sense pleasure? Listening to song lyrics and it's like "what? Hmmm?" I feel little emotions like puzzling and distraction and second guessing the meaning. Next lyric "fantasize fantasize fantasize fantasize fantasize......" PJ Harvey song. Incidentally, can anyone recommend an artist for me from the new milenium? Portishead, and her Lilting voice. I have a lot of trouble organizing my ideas. So I guess it's practice yet I try not to be in the future too much. Oo1000Socks (may I call you that?) gave me a sobering post.
  • GuiGui Veteran
    What do you think? Is the meaning of sense pleasure obvious or do you have some analysis you would like to add?
    I think you think too much.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Yeah, i think that might be right....
    People need to not grip so tight.... let the backbone slip a bit....
  • edited March 2012
    Feel free Jeffrey (big smile)

  • @jeffrey

    Thinking is a sense pleasure. There is stimulating conversations and not so stimulating conversations.

  • Loreena mckennitt
  • "1) Yes indeed. Everything is instantaneously arising and subsiding... leaving no trace. Each
    moment becomes a condition for the next moment of arising, and yet all arisings are a fresh and complete reality of itself. In other words... it is not that 'Arising1' caused 'Arising2' or that 'Arising2' originated from 'Arising1' - they are different arisings and don't 'touch each other', but rather, 'Arising2' arises with 'Arising1' as a supporting condition. Arising 1 and Arising 2 are each a complete reality of itself.
    For example the thought/intention 'I need to get up now' arises, followed by a bodily action of standing up. The thought 'I need to get up now' serves as a condition for the bodily action... but the thought itself is not a self or doer/controller of action - it is merely an arising that serves as a condition for the action. The volition to stand up is mental, but what actually stands up is the body. Each arising is a complete new reality arising with various supporting conditions.
    But what you said is right... each moment of arising becomes a condition for the next
    moment of arising."

    @Jeffrey I read this and thought about your question on thoughts being sense pleasure.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Just a thought. Is thinking a sense pleasure?
    My understanding of Buddha's teachings: Thoughts are objects for the mind (which is regarded as sense by Buddha) , so coming of thought in mind arises mental consciousness, which leads to contact, which leads to feeling. So thoughts are objects of sense pleasures.

  • It's all about attachment and impermanence. There is no issue with enjoying things within each moment as long as we understand that this too shall pass.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    There is no issue with enjoying things within each moment as long as we understand that this too shall pass.
    My view : whether it is an issue or not an issue, depends on what is the that towards which we are moving in our life.

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