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Five aggregates of clinging (pancca upadana skandha)



  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran

    From this contact, feeling arises which is based on our perception.

    are you sure about this?

    Perception is the labelling of phenomena in our memory database like labelling a colour as red, green etc. So when we see a rose, eye-consciousness sees a rose but does not recognize it as a rose, it is perception which tells that the object being viewed is a rose, and perception knows it because we have labelled that flower object as rose in our mind which leads to it getting stored in our memory database.

    above is correct, but does above need us to feel?
    just the contact is enough for feeling?

    (it is true Buddha's Teaching says that as soon as there is seeing (eyes see a rose) all five aggregates arise and in a split second all five aggregates fall, but if we try to see within ourselves whether that saying is true, we have to try it and see using our own eye)

    what do you feel when you see a rose (or any pleasant thing)
    have you tried it with the knowledge of Buddha's Teaching?

    if we try this way, we ourselves could know what exactly mean by pleasant feeling/unpleasant feeling/ neither-pleasant-nor-unpleasant feeling

    once we really grasp the feeling it is our own understanding
    not just someone's saying or something we read or something we think

    @upekka: Just to let you know, whatever i have said i have understood theoretically and unfortunately not being able to experience it directly. But from theory point of view, whatever little understanding i have of Buddha's teachings, i have said above.

    agreed contact is enough for feeling because contact leads to feeling. but i said it is based on perception because my thinking says - when we taste an apple, we feel a taste, then somehow we simultaneously try to map it with something in our memory database to check how does that feeling look like means the taste was sweet, sour etc and how does that taste corresponds to us from our previous experiences like do we enjoy that taste or dont enjoy that taste etc. So i think this comparison from our past experiences which are our previous perceptions, leads us to make a thought about whether we like the taste of apple. So my thinking says based on perception feeling is decided as pleasant, unpleasant or neither pleasant nor unpleasant.

    This all above reasoning is based on my thinking, as i have not experienced it directly. if it is wrong, then anybody please feel free to correct it.

    unfortunately i am not able to directly experience it because of no concentration in my meditation.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    edited March 2012

    Check this out:
    @taiyaki: currently in the process of reading it only :) , don't know when i will be able to understand it :banghead: , still don't know will i ever be able to directly experience it :( . seems like we are discussing basic things like distance, speed, time in Newtonian physics and you posted an article on theory of special relativity by Einstein - just kidding :lol:

  • Check this out:
    @taiyaki: currently in the process of reading it only :) , don't know when i will be able to understand it :banghead: , still don't know will i ever be able to directly experience it :( . seems like we are discussing basic things like distance, speed, time in Newtonian physics and you posted an article on theory of special relativity by Einstein - just kidding :lol:
    He oe she breaks it down as clear as i've ever seen it. The salt part is my favorite.

    :) no worries. Nothing to get. Just this immediate experience!
  • upekkaupekka Veteran

    agreed contact is enough for feeling because contact leads to feeling.

    seems to be above is our own experience,

    if not we can try and see

    to experience this what we need is:
    eyes and whatever in front of us (wall, computer screen, table etc.)
    ear and whatever sound comes to our ear
    nose and whatever smell comes to our nose
    tongue and whatever taste comes to our mouth
    any part of the body and whatever touch our body

    but i said it is based on perception because my thinking says - when we taste an apple, we feel a taste, then somehow we simultaneously try to map it with something in our memory database to check how does that feeling look like means the taste was sweet, sour etc
    this is our perception

    because of our ignorance we get a mixture of form and perception together and say it is an apple

    and how does that taste corresponds to us from our previous experiences like do we enjoy that taste or dont enjoy that taste etc.

    this is the feeling which we take as pleasurable/not pleasurable

    So i think this comparison from our past experiences which are our previous perceptions, leads us to make a thought about whether we like the taste of apple. So my thinking says based on perception feeling is decided as pleasant, unpleasant or neither pleasant nor unpleasant.

    this is correct
    that is why we want to buy more apples (clinging to apple and make future becoming)

    This all above reasoning is based on my thinking, as i have not experienced it directly. if it is wrong, then anybody please feel free to correct it.
    your thinking is correct and now the time is to experience it

    unfortunately i am not able to directly experience it because of no concentration in my meditation.
    do not worry about your meditation when you are doing your sitting meditation
    just apply 'the above theory' whenever you can concentrate on it
    you have the laboratory with the equipment whenever or wherever you stay or go
    (your body with eyes, ear, nose, tongue and mind and the external materials like form, sound, smell, taste and touch)

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