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my right speech challenge for today

edited April 2012 in Buddhism Basics
i have been struggling since last night. Some people may have followed the whole story of me supervising schools and then getting it changed so I no longer have those schools and the going back to sub and support while having most of my favorite staff moved to different schools. So the event I am talking about I had started to plan with staff and we were super excited about it. By the time it happened last night both me and the super involved staff had been moved away.

So here it is, I want to spend a lot of time saying how crappy it went. And it did. It was supposed to be until 7 but by 6 all the kids were gone. Things were not ready, and certainly not the way we had planned (kids involved leading up to it and creating the international stations). The boy scouts actually were not there doing the american southwest because it was Good Friday, I think we should have known that. the totem pole was not finished by the end. The sports station, which wasn't even part of the theme, was just some printed stuff off the internet. I grabbed the board and had a good attitude to spruce it up with colored backgrounds and stapled it all together.

See there I go. I am trying to find a way to deal with this or give feedback if asked but the person in charge is not someone to EVER take feedback. I have a mental list of how I would do it and what was planned 2 months ago and ways to feel good ( one person was going to get native american dancers but she didn't because she didn't trust this new leader to pull off an event worthy of that) but all I want to do is spend serious time saying how rotten it was. It feels like judgment however I have always looked at the good side to the point of serious naivity


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Wait, I need to get caught up. You're not supervising staff anymore? You're subbing and doing what else? And was this supposed to be another culture night? Why Easter weekend/Good Friday? Oh well... live and learn. Why don't they just put you in charge of it all?

  • Well I am temp in charge of 3 schools on the parent-tuition side of things. The person is probably not coming back.

    All the changes are due to how the grants are being re-structured. So I went from 4 schools to 3 to 2 to none. But the new people (they have been half time in charge of parts of things, and then moved to full time in charge of afterschool and childcare) needed a lot of support for about 6 weeks. Plus I have projects such as researching and improving literacy centers to actually focus them on the aspects that afffect overall literacy.

    None of us thought about Easter but still our families are not highly religious, it is just that the new lady who has been at this school 5 years part time cannot build the relationships.
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