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If someone has a lot of anger and if they take MDMA how will that effect there karma?

By the way MAPS is working to make MDMA legal. Note: I am only talking about theoretically using pure MDMA in psychotherapy when approved. MDMA opens the heart charkra and lets you work through all your inner pain. Most of all it lets you feel compassion for others and lets you see things from their perspective. So if MDMA helps you see things in a new light about your life and it gives you the ability to let go of hurt, pain, and anger, how would that affect the karma. Thanks.



  • Artificial ....forced .... no.

  • Karma is action.
    If it takes a condition like a drug for a person to release and let go, then so be it.
    MDMA is empty, thus it can be used in various ways. Negative, positive and neutral.

    So in my honest opinion if it is used under correct circumstances with correct conditions it can be of great benefit.

    It can also be highly abused, thus why it was made illegal to begin with.

  • BTW so far our current understanding about MDMA is that it can be greatly beneficial for things like PTSD. I have read some amazing stories about it.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    @AstralProjectee Maybe you could tell us what MAPS and MDMA are?
    Do you have PTSD?

    P.S. Best to put threads on personal matters in "Members Only".
  • BTW so far our current understanding about MDMA is that it can be greatly beneficial for things like PTSD. I have read some amazing stories about it.

    Yes, but so is ending our greed, ignorance, and aversion which contribute to sentient beings going to war and consequently having PTSD.

    MDMA can be a tool, but thats all.

    MDMA itself cannot be just the cause for all positivity from it. There are contributing conditions which bring about the healing of PTSD. MDMA can be a contributing cause but it can also harm an individual as well.

    Karma in that sense is not linear and one dimensional.

    Just some thoughts.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    PTSD isn't exclusive to wartime. Traumatic family conditions can cause PTSD, being a victim of crime can cause PTSD, etc. etc.

    Acupuncture can clear PTSD, A-P. It can alleviate all manner of emotional issues. And it's cheap. You just have to find a good practitioner.
  • I am familiar with MAPS and that is what inspiried me to want to get into bio-chemistry at some point in my life. However, MAPS is mostly geared towards getting substances approved for use against things such as OCD, schizophrenia, and a whole host of mental disorders.

    I used MDMA for 4 years pretty much week in week out. Yes it does take away anger, of course it does hence the name ecstasy. But if you actually look into MAPS and read/watch a lot of their content and look into the science, it has nothing to do with recreational use, that is not what they are trying to acheive.

    With regards to karma, I think the answer has been given.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @AstralProjectee, you post a lot of threads, so please could you consider where you post them?
    Buddhism for beginners is the default thread, but your threads more often than not, have nothing to do with beginner's Buddhism.
    select a forum then start a new conversation.
  • But if you actually look into MAPS and read/watch a lot of their content and look into the science, it has nothing to do with recreational use, that is not what they are trying to acheive.
    I know that. That is why I said that MDMA would be used in psychotherapy.


  • Then if you were merely talking about the psychotherapy usage of MDMA, then to me where karma comes into play is a tricky answer to give. My instant reaction now is to suggest that it would be pretty insignificant to dwell on it, but I could be wrong.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    MDMA opens the heart charkra and lets you work through all your inner pain. Most of all it lets you feel compassion for others and lets you see things from their perspective. So if MDMA helps you see things in a new light about your life and it gives you the ability to let go of hurt, pain, and anger, how would that affect the karma.
    Where have you heard that it opens the heart chakra and "lets you work through all your inner pain"? What sort of pain are we talking about? I don't understand this. I have never taken MDMA, so maybe someone can explain this to me... My understanding is that the euphoric effects are very limited (a few hours), and so I hardly see how this can have a lasting effect. And actually, I thought that the period after (even days) can have a lasting negative effect in which you feel depressed.

    I am skeptical of this. I have been through some real shit in my life and have mostly found delusion/misunderstanding/clinging at the root of my inner pain. I really doubt that a drug could replace the work that I have done to deal with it. Even at times when the problem was something that was completely out of my hands, sometimes the delusion is simply to let go of my own sense of guilt. I have been able to apply the lessons that I have learned to other areas of my life as well.

    No matter what, it is an intoxicant, altering perception of reality... which is contrary to Buddhism.

    Short-term experiential effects, which tend to last less than 4 hours, include:
    Mental and physical euphoria
    A sense of general well-being and contentedness
    Decreased negative emotion and behavior such as stress, anxiety, fear, and paranoia
    Increased sociability and feelings of communication being easy or simple
    Increased urge to communicate with others
    Increased empathy and feelings of closeness or connection with others[11]
    Reduced insecurity, defensiveness, and fear of emotional injury[12]
    Decreased irritability, aggression, anger, and jealousy
    A sense of increased insightfulness and introspection[11][13]
    Mild psychedelia (colors and sounds are enhanced, mild closed-eye visuals, improved pattern recognition, etc.)
    Enhanced tactile sensations (touching, hugging, and sex for example all feel more pleasant)

    Effects beginning after the main effects of MDMA have ended, which can last several days, include:
    Lowered mood or even depression (comedown) after the effects have worn off
    Increased anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions
    Residual feelings of empathy, emotional sensitivity, and a sense of closeness to others (afterglow)
    From: Wikipedia
  • There are is a lot of research being done over ast and they have been going for the last 25 years I think now. They are trying to get things like (in the lay terms) magic mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, 2ci and b compounds, mesculine and so forth used in medical research and usage. Their website has a lot of info and I am really into the science behind it. They actually have found a way to block a certain chemical which arises around the half way point of an LSD trip that wuld normally cause negative feelings such as 'freaking out' etc. MAPS are not a bunch of old hippies who want to legalize drugs, they truely see the value of easing these suubstances to help with many disorders and diseases, acalimed scientists to boot.

    Regarding your question @zombiegirl I do not honestly know what he means by the chakras being opened, but I can give you my recreational experiences on it. The actual high from MDMA lasts around 6-8 hours, but you can extend it by using a few other drugs. Your serotonin dipletes by around 10 hours and that is why you have the notorious come down. Serotonin is responsible for your eating habits, your mood and a few others I have forgotten. When you take it MDMA, your brain is flooded with serotonin as the molecular structure fits perfectly into one of the synapses I believe kind of opening the flood gates if you will. The feeling is of pure ecstasy and there is no other feeling like it that I have ever experienced before, but it is false of course.

    I am going to go back and check out MAPS myself because I want to find out where exactly they are using the MDMA in their research and why.
  • here is their intentions on MDMA

    The whole sit has lots of studies and information if you are curious.
  • This is a video explaining a lot of the science, again if anyone is interested
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    edited April 2012
    I'm not familiar with all the designer recreational drugs of today, but this MDMA is illegal, right? Then here would be my answer to someone taking it, for any reason right now. Once legal, it's just another drug helpful for psychiatric care.

    To the MDMA user:

    Are you getting any sort of professional psychiatric care or self medicating? At any rate, what you are doing is risky. The karma of risky behavior is to increase the chances of being hurt.

    The karma of self medicating with mood altering chemicals and taking illegal drugs that can get you arrested or cause you to interact with the wrong crowd is obvious. I can point you to a dozen people who have ruined their lives doing this, but the mind insists, "I'm different. That won't happen to me."

    Understand that everyone has the tendency to justify their own actions. We are quite commonly capable of lying to ourselves and believing our own lies. Know this, and understand the karma is that when a person does something dangerous, they put themselves in risk of being hurt or hurting others.

    It's your decision to make. At least be honest with yourself and I wish you all the best.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    MDMA opens the heart charkra and lets you work through all your inner pain. Most of all it lets you feel compassion for others and lets you see things from their perspective. So if MDMA helps you see things in a new light about your life and it gives you the ability to let go of hurt, pain, and anger, how would that affect the karma.
    MDMA causes your brain to overload on seratonin and other feel good chemicals - however, the receptors or the parts that release the seratonin then become inactive - its a way of shortcutting your body's reward system and raiding the cookie jar - except the price is, no more cookies.

    While youre off your face, your reality is suspended and it may be this forced sensation is the impetus for change in your psyche - that said, there are no long term studies on prolonged exposure - the logic is that it will lead to severe depression, there is evidence of reduction in spinal fluid and various other side effects...

    Suffer from low seratonin levels? MDMA may help very short term when combined with other therapies but long term likely to have the opposite effect...

    Key is to remember that seratonin is in your brain already - the MDMA only seeks to artificially increase what you already have - so raid the cookie jar once or eat from it forever...?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    the taking of unauthorised drugs, or drugs for recreational purposes, or self-medicating with illegal/banned substances is neither approved of nor condoned here at newbuddhist.
    the matter is closed.
This discussion has been closed.