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Tsunami Warning Issued

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited April 2012 in Buddhism Today
I was doing some design work and the clouds have set in so I came home, then I got this email from a thai forum about a tsunami warning. Seeing as I am on the east coast I suddenly became really alert. However I knew where the falt lines are out on the east coast, and we are pretty safe, but I was still nervous. Turns out there was a magnitude 8-9 earthquake around Indonesia which is about the same scale as the 2004 disaster. The waves are meant to hit Phuket on the west coast literally this minute 4.48pm according to experts.

The weird thing is (and this is really no BS), the last 10 days I have been watching videos of the 2004 tsunami and being a bit scared of the fact I live about 1km away from the ocean. I hope that the warning has gotten out to those on the west coast and I have no idea yet what has gone down in Indonesia.


  • Here is a picture that someone took a few minutes ago of Phuket beach, the water has gone wayyyyy out.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Oh looks like another big one... i hope people will listen to the warning and evacuate!
  • I pray everyone survives.
  • The actual earthquake was more vertically mannered whereas the 2004 one was more horizontal. I will keep updating on what I find on the website
  • The tsunami warning sirens have been going off all along the west coast around Phuket and people have gottn to high ground. It looks like there may notbe a tsunami, but there was a powerful aftershock somewhere else in the ocean 50 minutes ago which may have been of a different seismic manner, i.e more horizontal.
  • Looks like y'all dodged a bullet this time.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    When was this earthquake in Indonesia? I haven't seen anything in the news about it.

    I just did a little scouting around the internet. Turns out the Indonesian coastal areas are full of oil drilling rigs, it looks a little like the latest version of the Arabian oil rush. Several companies are drilling and exploring for oil in the area. Remember, it was unusually deep oil drilling off Australia that caused the big quake and tsumani last time. Lest anyone doubt it's possible to cause an earthquake via deep ocean-floor drilling, studies of US drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere have proven a link. Seismic studies are a required precursor to applying for drilling permits in certain coastal areas now, and even Indonesia has requested a seismic study.

    If Indonesia is negligent in their seismic assessments (or lack thereof), the Thai gov't could sue for damages if there's another tsunami.

    Does Thailand have any oceanographers? They really need them. If you're into science, Tom, and want to live in Thailand the rest of your life, Oceanography would be one way to go.
  • That is some fast thinking there Dakini :lol: I don't know if I want to live here for the rest of my life though, or have any plans for the rest of my life. I do like the idea of moving around however, but thanks for the suggestion. I don't know if they have any oceanographers, when the floods happened last year in Bangkok, they had to get in Dutch speacialists to help, so that may say something. I have heard scientists native to Thailand are pretty low quality.

    Are you 100% sure the 2004 tsunami was created by off-shore rigging @Dakini? If so that is quite extraordinary. I have watched a view documentaries about it, and from what they have shown is that where the fault line is, one of the plates is constantly sliding beneath the other, over time this builds up pressure and the plate that is slideing beneath buckles like a bent ruler back to being straight which displaces a huge amount of water.

    But yes,a bullet was dodged this time. What I really was very pleased to see was how effective networking and the warning sirens had been. Pretty much everyone around the coastal regions on the west side were at safe points, 2004 has taught everyone a huge lesson.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    edited April 2012
    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    1. The Indonesia region is almost surrounded by the boundaries of tectonic the east, west, and south. It's why the land mass of Indonesia exists at all.
    2. Indonesia has had extreme volcanoes and earthquakes for centuries, including one of the biggest of all time -- Krakatoa -- and long before any significant oil drilling took place.
    3. The earthquake swarms that have been associated with drilling for oil and fracking, have been of low intensity...mostly under 4 on the Richter Scale. The earthquakes that have affected Indonesia drastically are much higher on the scale -- 6-8.

    I'm not saying there is no connection, but major earthquakes that cause tsunamis have not been proven to be caused by oil drilling or fracking.
  • I will dig out the video that explained it rather well. The erathquake was huge in 2004, 9.5 if I recall
  • Skip to 4.45 minutes and it explains it all. This is what I saw about 10 days ago and started watching more tsunami stuff. This video shows a lot about the tsunami and everywhere it affected.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Australia was doing deep seismic drilling off the NW coast before the earthquake happened. It was in the international news for a couple of days, then it disappeared. Very controversial.
  • ^^^^ watch this at 4.45 and that explains the magnitude 9+ earthquake of 2004. But yes, you do have a point for lesser eathquakes due to oil-rigging, another downside to the business.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    I know about plate tectonics, thx, Tom. That's why I recommended oceanography--this is the cool stuff you get to study in oceanography. Volcanoes, earthquakes, it's not all about fish, seaweed,etc. The theory at the time that the earthquake occurred and a couple of days after was that weeks of extre-deep seismic drilling off the Australian triggered a shift in the plates.

    Any coastal countries, especially those located on the Pacific "Ring of Fire", need a team of such specialists.
  • Ah cool thanks @Dakini. Maybe it will be Tom and team to the rescue!!! Do you really trust me with such a project? lol.. I may seem somewhat dense at times due to my manner of writing on here, but I am quite 'booked up' when it comes to science. I really think my seizure had something to do with my spelling and grammar :grumble:

    Still, bio-chemistry inetrests me a lot, both fields would be helping people so the job in itself would be one of virtuous action, and I am big on compassion so that would suit me quite nicely :)
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