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Why is it called love?

chanrattchanratt Veteran
edited April 2012 in Philosophy
By 'It' I mean Consciousness, Buddha Nature whatever. I know they don't mean the common idea of love.


  • Who calls consciousness love?
  • Adyashanti...but I've heard it from others. Can't remember who
  • There is the experience of opening into space in the heart center, which brings about a tenderness of pain and joy.

    The feeling and sensations are arisings of consciousness dependent upon causes/conditions.

    To put poetically when focused is placed on the heart then there is an opening to love or rather the sensation of love.

    Maybe love is an expression of consciousness. But then again everything is.

  • Maybe love is an expression of consciousness. But then again everything is.
    I know. That's why I'm wondering why Love is singled out.

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Adyashanti appears to be zen buddhist but actually teaches Advaita Vedanta.

    But I've studied and practiced a lot of Adya's teachings. So what is pointed out by Adya is that awakening moves from the head to the heart as it gradually matures.

    As it reaches the heart a vast spaciousness is known. Also the sense of being nothing when looking inward and being everything when looking outward is realized. What grows as a conclusion is love because there is a unity between me and the world.

    But this isn't Buddhism.

    In Buddhism love is cultivated for many reasons. But true love only comes after the understanding of suffering of both self and other, imho.
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