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Tibetan Book of The Dead Dream

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited April 2012 in General Banter
This was quite an interesting dream actually, it was combined with another dream which took place I think interwoven into this dream, but the 'plots' if you will were quite disticnt from each other. Anyway I was with 4 other old friends from college and we were with a guide of sorts. I think it may have been a lecturer. We had to scale this incline that had moss and was slippery, so I took my time and found some foot holes etc.

We then all entered a house of sorts and were ntroduced to this woman of about 35 who had dark hair and was quite petite. We all sat down and she began to give a talk. She then brought out from behind her back a book and said it was the Tibetan Book Of The Dead. It was purple and quite extensive (I have not seen this book but of ocurse I have heard of it), and started talking about Buddhism. I noticed that the 4 others with me started talking amongst themselves and mocking the woman and her ideas. I however then showed interest in what she was saying. At the end of it I went to talk to her about buddhism and the book and she asked for my phone number. I replied saying I did not have a phone. When I said this she said don't bother then, it doesn't matter and she left. That is pretty much all I remember now at 4.20pm, funny dream though.


  • SileSile Veteran
    That's pretty intense. I think it's interesting how intense dreams seem (to me) to often have an aspect of "height" - - climbing something difficult, or being on a bridge, or a high road, or actually flying, etc.

    To me, that dream seems very significant, or at least, if I'd had it, I would definitely have put it in my list of "ones to remember!"
  • How would you read into that dream yourself? I did think about it a while after, tried relating certain aspects and symbols to my life.
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