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Sensation of vibrating during meditation

nlightennlighten Explorer
edited April 2012 in Meditation
So, I've been trying to get back into meditation and for the last 2 days have meditated for about 1 hour each day. I've had somewhat successful meditations, but on each day there has been a point in my meditation where I get this sensation were my whole body starts vibrating and I feel this energy running through my body. At first it's accompanied by a little bit of euphoria, but then it intensifies and becomes almost a little painful. I even feel this lingering buzzing feeling in my head after I'm done. Anyway, I'm just trying to get some feedback and see if anyone's had a similar experience.


  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Hey, yes, I think I've had that; not as strongly as yourself; I've not had it intensify and become painful, but I've definitely experienced a tingling and an expectant feeling/euphoria; and it certainly feels like energy.

    I don't know what it is. It passes.
  • nlightennlighten Explorer
    Thanks @Tosh! So, I guess I just have to keep at it until it eventually subsides :-/ ....... well I guess I'll at least gain some compassion for my cellphone in the process :D
  • There are many phenomena that can occur during meditation, visual, sensational and so on. I think I have had something close to this vibrating feeling you speak of, but not to the same extent. Probably because I have never meditated beyond 20 minutes before, so you have gone a long way as it is. I use to get a kind of wavering from side to side and my head use to feel as if it was lighter than normal and quiver. The euphoria I noticed came when I realised I had let go of everything that was going on for a few moments, a wave of peace and tranquility came over me, but it was only for a brief period. Nothing to worry about, strange things can happen but they pass, try not to dwell on them.
  • nlightennlighten Explorer
    @ThailandTom Yeah, I guess you are right. I will try and treat it as just another distraction to overcome in my meditation. I think I was just a little afraid of hurting myself by continuing my meditations when this happened, but that is probably impossible. Thanks for the reassurance!
  • There are no distractions in meditation.
    Whatever arises should be honored.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Your kundalini is stirring, nlighten. Serious stuff. Read Gopi Krishna's "Living With Kundalini". I'd recommend cutting back on your daily meditation time until you find out more about what you're getting yourself into. One of our members once recommended taking a Kundalini yoga class to help clear your system of any energy blockages, which would help eliminate the pain and any other adverse symptoms. Approach Kundalini with extreme caution. The effects can be debilitating.
  • nlightennlighten Explorer
    @Dakini I think you may be right. At least it would explain why I have this sort of energetic, but anxious feeling lately. I've also been waking up with an aching feeling throughout my whole body. I think I'll read up more on Kundalini information and be a little more cautious instead of just trying to just push through the experience. Thank you!
    There are no distractions in meditation.
    Whatever arises should be honored.
    @taiyaki I think distraction itself implies there is a goal to be distracted from, so are you saying that I should have no goal while meditating? or do you mean that I should be aware/honor what is happening, but not to engage the phenomena or thoughts that arise?
  • Yes, you're absolutely right it all depends on the goal/intent of the meditation.

    From a dualistic outlook there is always a subject/object perception. So when sensation comes forward, it is observed, which creates the sense of observer observing the observed.

    From a non dualistic outlook there is only the sensation and the sensation itself is the arising of awareness. No subject or object but a dynamic process.

    From the point of a goal, then the function and purpose of meditation is to be a means to the end.

    From the point of no goal, whatever arises is the goal. There is no hierarchy.
    Anyways that's just information for you.

    The best thing you can do for those energetic sensations is to practice opening up to them with whatever practice you use. A healthy amount of relaxing and letting go during meditation should also facilitate the prana to circulate. If you find a blockage then smile into it. Hope this helps.

  • nlightennlighten Explorer
    From a non dualistic outlook there is only the sensation and the sensation itself is the arising of awareness. No subject or object but a dynamic process.
    @taiyaki I think I will try and understand this more deeply in meditation tonight. It will be kind of like my goal to have no goal, so that I can clearly "understand" non-duality.

    I'll also keep in mind your smile technique if I run into the same problem again. Thank you! :)

    this is worth a read. non duality is how everything already is. its just a matter of experiencing everything as bare, naked prior to concepts.

    Good luck.
  • I gave your post a like because I am glad you talked about your meditation experience and it sounded like something I had felt.

    It is possible that some kind of opening of consciousness will happen. Remember to stay a little grounded with reason. Good intentions are very important and taking everything with a grain of salt.
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