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Another SE Asian Earthquake

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited April 2012 in Buddhism Today
Following the Earthquake that happened about 4 days ago that was 8.5 on the ricta scale off of the coast of Indonesia, today another one occurred around Indonesia but of a ricta scale of 5.5. However, about 200 miles away in the coastal Thai town of Phuket, the tremors were felt stronger this time around for some reason, which subsequently ended up in many people running away from their houses and up into the hills.

I have mentioned it before in another thread, but there seems to be a lot more siesmic and tectonic activity more recently, or it could be there is for some reason more focus on it, I don't know. What are your thoughts?


  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited April 2012
    The Earth's plates have enormous mass and momentum. There is such an inexorable violence where they meet. Any change in magnitude and frequency we see.. on our little scale... is a matter of perspective and perception.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I don't know whether it also has anything to do with the magnetic poles shifting....?
    this is sheer guesswork, but to say this planet is very much alive and ever-changing, is an understatement.....
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    ^^ Gotta be a little careful of the terminology here. There is precession where the magnetic poles move somewhat due to the earth wobbling on its axis, and then there magnetic pole reversal. The former happens more or less continuously, while the latter is extremely rare.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited April 2012
    The magnetic pole shifting has no effect on the tectonic plates.. it's the other way around in terms of causal elemental forces.

    The earths crust is miles thick ... unbelievable mass... This crust is fractured into plates because ...believe or not ..the molten liquid mantle it sits on is subject to huge convection currents.. The tectonic plates ride these current, jostling with each other...pushing up mountains, or diving under each other so that the lighter elements melt and sprout back up through the over-plate as volcanoes. This is all happening at a rate of inches per year.. An earthquake is the release of tension between two plates that has built up for hundreds if not thousands of years.. that is the timescale of causality. They come in clusters because release of tension in one spot along a line of tension can cascade down the line. Magnetic pole drift is ephemeral compared the heavy duty mechanics of plate tectonics ... in fact it is the difference in the rate of rotation between the earth's surface and its iron core, and the dynamic mantle in between, that generates our magnetic field.
  • Did you know that we have changed the amount of time the earth spins on it's axis by a very very small amount due to the amount water we keep in the northern hemisphere. Also the 2004 Tsunami earthquake sped up the time in which a single rotation of the earth takes.
  • Also, sol has been more active.

    Doom! Doom!
  • Well, like Federica and Vinlyn pointed out, the pole drift and pole flip are two different things. The pole drift is actually speeding up more recently as Leon demonstrated with a video he posted, and the pole flip happened last time around 40,000 years if I am not wrong. That is one theory about 2012, the pole flip. I personally have no idea what happens to the environment when a poll flip happens, I am sure some people ahve a good idea, but it does happen and will happen again.
  • Sounds catastrophic...kinda like the end of an epoch...with few survivors.

    Few unpopular books have mentioned that our earth goes thru some cyclical spring cleaning...dinosaurs, floods, comets, etc...
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited April 2012

    We always ... always think we live in special times. there have always been tsunamis.. There have always been earthquakes.. there has.. ahhh fuggetabout it.

    Have fun... but don't spook yourselves.
  • I just don't want to be Part of the Eve group...imagine that...

    Yous guys and girls left behind that survived pair up! Time to repopulate!

    I'd flee to the nearest body of water.
  • Take a look at this graph showing earthquakes over the last century of magnitude 6-8
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran
    edited April 2012
    How about this explanation...


    Hit the 'Aha' button for me. Have not verified the content though so be careful what you believe in...

    YouTube Nasa Confirmation 2012 Pole shift

    Increase in earthquakes explained at about 3:20.

  • Funnily enough I have recently watched this video which is about the pole shift. It is very factual and is not some guy spouting stuff, it is many scientists and how they have come to the conclusion of the pole shift. The last one was actually 780,000 years ago, however they happen on average about every 200,000 years. One scientist spent 4 years creating a computer model based on this and it seems that it flips when the earth's magentic field starts to get weaker, which it is has been drastically over the past 300 years.

  • How about this explanation...


    Hit the 'Aha' button for me. Have not verified the content though so be careful what you believe in...

    YouTube Nasa Confirmation 2012 Pole shift

    Increase in earthquakes explained at about 3:20.

    The graph was I think from the USGS as it has it written across the rop with a web address. Here is their homepage.
  • Take a look at this graph showing earthquakes over the last century of magnitude 6-8
    Earthquakes or "Deadly Earthquakes" ..What has the change in population and settlement patterns been along fault lines over the last century?

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Good point, I guess you could read in to that in two ways, either deadly as in they are high up on the ricta scale, or deadly because people have died in them.

    Still though Rochard, that huge jump happened over about 8 years, you can't really expect such a change on population settlement over 8 years to cause that kind of jump if you are being realistic.
  • I don't know if there has been an increase in global seismic activity.. or whether it happens to be here and there.. ? There have been increases before. There were early mass extinctions thought to be caused by mass volcanic activity.. several times... not to mention asteroid events. The world has ended before. Maybe.. we will happen to be alive the next time? Maybe it will be soon? The world has changed radically many times. All I know is that we each have our own inevitable end-time .. and feel very strongly about it. ...and that we tend to look at impersonal natural events in personal terms... seeing into the patterns our own moral anxieties.

    As far as polar flips go... I've heard that a bipolar magnetic field, already a fluctuating thing, can break up into a multipolar field.. that would be interesting. It all depends on what is going on inside the earth.

  • Yes I watched a video I posted above that was very good and factual. When these pole flips take place, they actually split up into 4 or 8 poles and at this point the magnetic field is around 90% less strong as it is today, but it focuses the radiation from space onto these poles wherever they happen to be at that current time. But I do advise watching that video to people, I learnt quite a bit. I do not think that the pole flip will happen on the 21st of December 2012, nobody can predict that kind of thing, but it will happen soon, we are long over due and our magnetic feild is already weakening at a fast rate.
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