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Free will vs. determinism



  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    @taiyaki are you saying things ALWAYS happen for a reason?

    Can something happen for no rhyme or reason? Randomness?
    I'd personally throw away of all ideas of predestination, free will, determinism.

    As these are primarily Christian or theology in outlook.

    Buddhism is cut and dry cause and effect. Everything is conditional.

    Yet by seeing that everything is conditional, we can see infinite potentiality through emptiness. We do not have to react based on previous conditioning. We can be fresh, alive, spontaneous! Because the response or volitional movement is infinite in its responses.

    But such vision is only possible when there is a direct perception of emptiness. The limitless vision of appearance-emptiness.

    Not sure if this is clear.

    It really comes down to what POV we are looking from.
    Three world views:

    Randomness or nihilism.

    Predetermined, no free will.

    or Causality.

    One of them is 100% and it is causality.

    There is no such thing as randomness. Things appear to happen randomly because there is a gap between when the seed was planted and when the seed sprouts and flowers.

    Very well stated!

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