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Are there any "Hijra"-esque individuals in any sect of Busddhism?
Hijra, in a very broad and generalized sense, are transsexual "gypsies" in India and Pakistan. They are born men and live as women, but are considered a third gender. They are considered to be lower class, but are thought to have the power to give blessings and curses. Thus, they travel to weddings, childbirths, etc. and perform blessings for money (or curse if they don't get enough).
Even though they are pretty much only found in these 2 countries (as well as in Hinduism, historically) , have there ever been these types of individuals in any sect/form of Buddhism? Historical or contemporary?
I personally regard any discussion which might put people of these persuasions, in a bad light, as in poor taste.
just a heads-up....;)
We should be far more concerned about our own.