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Yoga energy in the streams including theravada

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited June 2012 in Philosophy
I have often seen theravadan buddhists say that tantra is hinduism. But one thing is unclear to me. Do they believe vajra energy or kundalini is mythology alongside santa clause?

Possible thoughts (there may be more) of the belief of theravada:

yogic energy is unreal and the other streams/hinduism are mythology/superstition
yogic energy is real but theravadans turn a blind eye
yogic energy is real but theravadans view that as taboo
yogic energy is real and the theravadans harness it. (Which would make one wonder why they say TB is shamanism)

I'm using yogic energy as a more neutral term of vajra energy as perceived in the tantra.


  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    English: This painting depicts the Buddha while meditating just before attaining enlightenment. A big naga (snake with psychic powers) came up behind him and lifted him from the ground, and spread its hood above him to protect him from the rain which was just starting to fall. Many Buddha-images are also made with the buddha being sheltered by the naga.
  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    Now at that time a great, out-of-season storm-cloud rose up, with seven days of rainy weather, cold winds, and intense darkness. Then Muccalinda the naga king, leaving his realm and encircling the Blessed One's body seven times with his coils, stood with his great hood spread over the Blessed One, thinking: "Don't let the Blessed One be disturbed by cold. Don't let the Blessed One be disturbed by heat. Don't let the Blessed One be disturbed by the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, and creeping things."


    Mucalinda is depicted with seven heads, for the seven primary chakras. As we see in this picture, he is coiled beneath the Buddha, representing the dormant energy of the root chakra.

    The very posture of seated meditation is kundalini yoga. But kundalini is not the goal, it has no essence.
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    edited June 2012
    You know, I read recently that there is a school of Theravada that uses a kind of tantric practice. I'm not sure where it was exactly.

    Apparently it's a small Theravada sect Cambodia that uses tantra.
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