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This is that - and freedom

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited June 2012 in Philosophy
I don't want to beat a dead horse about my illness (hearing voices), but this is a really beautiful realization.

All the voices say to me is 'this means that'. For example 'too much information' implies that there is a whole room of voices listening in on my thougts. 'You are addicted to opiates (figuratively) means that you are an emotional vampire.

This means that. I wish you could see my mind, but it is all 'this means that'.

So the first understanding is that the voices and all mind content say 'this means that'. Roughly.

Then it occured to me 'self liberation on contact'. That is a dzogchen term and it means don't make a big deal. All of my fouls and bad behaviour in the room of voices self-liberates.

Then when I analyzed 'this is that' I discovered that anything relative as opposed to nirvana is saying 'this is good and that is bad' or some combination.

The utility of 'this is that' is to say 'this makes it better' or 'this makes it worse'. This can be helpful but the nirvana seal (as opposed to dukkha) is that all self-liberates on contact. We cannot take back our insults or animosity or fear. We just move on and see that memory is past and fear is future: this was/will be that. But we are free!


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Nice post, Jeffrey.
    Well handled. ;)
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