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important wisdom from TF...

edited June 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Hello guys,
I wanted to share something..

Recently I've been having a great life.. I've been living buddhism for a long while and my goal is to make everyone around me and people around me HAPPY.
so far it's been a huge success .. (u know im sore and tired, but it's worked so far.)

this is what i believe everyone should be doing....

but there's one catch, it's that you have to make yourself truly happy too..

in my case i've neglected my own happiness a lot...after long days of work my addictions are more powerful than my practice... I'm so strong ...I have a lot of Zen... but i still bow to samsara and I am ashamed.. my last recourse is to find a teacher because in my entire life i've had none except for long dead teachers.... i'll let you guys know how it turns out..

i used to and still do think that in my future i'll end up a zen priest..pfft... the heat is too high and the road is too long..

the only future a dried frog has is death.. do i have the strength to go through that?

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