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Karmic (oldschool probably Tibetan view) results of Lying

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited June 2012 in Philosophy
I have some dealings with beings who routinely tell lies. They know I am a Buddhist, we've talked, and they say their lies are skillful means.

Feel free to bite on that comment. However my question is anyone knows some of the oldschool penalties of lying. I recall from the Karma Kagyu sort of bible on the gradual path that lying causes bad breath. That doesn't seem so serious relative to how convoluted and manipulative lying is. Feel free to comment from the basis of any tradition. Could you put a summary if you link texts because I get overwhelmed by long text due to medications effects.

Thanks and metta :)


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Ah...what do you mean by "beings"?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2012
    It includes all beings, inside my mind, outside my mind, and secret beings. If it doesn't resonate with you just consider it my idiosynchrosy. (and answer as you feel appropriate) :mullet:
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2012
    I have some dealings with beings who routinely tell lies. They know I am a Buddhist, we've talked, and they say their lies are skillful means.
    Thanks and metta :)

    I can't imagine how one deals with both the voices that you can't trust inside ones head as well as those from the folks around you.
    Although there are some famous exceptions to this "Skillful means", it usually refers to when someone speaks of a truth so that it can be understood, as opposed to the telling of a lie to bring about a supposedly good result.

    The term "skillful means" is the "get out of jail free card" for many people who find the precepts too difficult to follow.

    I wouldn't get too involved in the old school retributions for those around you who may be lying. Just exploring and stopping the diverse ways that we live our own lies will help yourself and others see the real value of speaking the truth.

    If this seems idiotic to you, blame it on the lacquer thinner that I'm now stripping my furniture with. My wife is saying," What, do you mean you don't smell it anymore".
    Not a good sign
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    Growing nose.

    Or maybe.. that wasn't a Buddhist idea?
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    edited June 2012
    However my question is anyone knows some of the oldschool penalties of lying.
    Penalties? Hmm, don't know. Penalties are certainly covered in the Buddhist Monastic Code, but that's for Monks.

    But The Buddha certainly did address lying:

    "Bhikkhus, I say that for an individual who transgresses in one thing, there is no evil deed whatsoever he would not do. What is that one thing? It is this, bhikkhus: deliberately telling a lie."
    ~ Vagga.sutta:
    Itivuttaka: The Group of Ones
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