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OneLifeFormOneLifeForm Veteran
edited July 2012 in Meditation
What are some techniques for enhancing and developing single pointedness of mind?

Is there a game or something that I can do that requires single pointed focus?

I know there is the breath counting technique, I use that sometimes, inhale exhale 1, inhale exhale 2, etc. , lose track go back to 1.

I have a feeling that it does but I will ask the question anyways;
does mindfulness enhance concentrated focus?

Thank you


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    Mindfulness and concentration are like two sides of the same coin.

    Attention and focus.

    You should look up kasina practice. For instance placing a plastic bowl on the wall with tape. Then focus on it. What helps is to sharply gaze your attention at first then relax the gaze and attention on the object. If you tend to focus too hard then shit will start moving around and that isn't useful imho. It is better to have good concentration with a light touch, more relaxed. And I don't work too much with the breathe so I use a kasina object to help with developing concentration.

    If you find yourself too tight and focused then learn to relax and just let the focus expand. If you are too tired and not focused at all then continually conditioning the mind to go back to the object helps. Even doing shorts spurts of intense focused meditation helps with developing some base or tangible status quo of concentration.

    All in all, have fun with it. Its interesting to explore the mind thats lazy. Its interesting to explore a concentrated mind. Don't get caught up in any experience, but don't ignore it either. Just enjoy and stay open.
  • edited July 2012
    I sometimes use stereograms on my desktop as a way to concentrate my focus during meditation. Here's one:
    If you are using the right soft focus, a 3D effect will occur.
  • BeejBeej Human Being Veteran
    edited July 2012
    I have been practicing balancing on one foot. I try a lot of different postures on each foot. I guess you could say that its almost a yoga practice because focusing your breathing is essential to maintain balance. Also choosing a spot to 'soft focus' my eyes on helps the balancing too. What i am actually finding is that this type of discipline cross-pollinates with the other disciplines that I practice. Meditation focus helps my balancing focus. Balancing focus helps my focus of mindfullnes. Mindfullness helps my meditation focus, and vice-versa. At some point, they all reflect each other in a way that makes them all meditative and all valuable.

    I showed a friend some of the balancing stuff that I do and I said, "See? I'm a ninja!" She smirked and replied, "Looks more like ballet, to me." So I just shrugged and said, "Either way is fine by me, they both wear the same types of shoes!" So it appears that it helps me to focus on footwear, as well. :ninja:
  • click on the photo I attached to enlarge for better results
  • @taiyaki :
    A plastic bowl? lol that seems like such a random object. I am assuming that there is not special significance to the plastic bowl you refer to as they say that you can use any object from a yaks horn to a pile of dung but the most recommended is either mind.. or mental image of Buddha.

    Yes they say that concentration cannot be forced, so as I operate throughout the day when I come back to a state of mindfulness of whatever position I am in I relax every part of the body and just breathe.

    I have found breath to be quite the anchor.. it is something I can really be focused with, I think I'd have more difficulty with the plastic bowl :p

    @lamaramadingdong : Thank you for the pic :)

    @TheBeejAbides : I do a short effective exercise before breakfast every other morning and there are times when I do something similar to what you describe.. your ballerina pose ;)
    That is a good way to look at it, it really is covering a lot of ground by what you are doing.

    Thank you for all the comments/suggestions :D

    I think I have just been weirding myself out the past couple days in regards to my practice.
    I've noticed a lot less mental activity and seemingly being much more mindful on the breath in damn near every moment and that was new to me and I wondered if I was fooling myself or something.. I don't really know how to explain it.

    I thought of playing hacky sack the other day as medium for developing concentration. Havent played too much since then but doing that really requires that relaxation we've been typing about. It requires slow graceful (ballerina like :p ) movements to ensure ease of continued session.

    Also play cards, Pinochle and Euchre most every week with my grandparents and a bunch of other senior citizens.
    I have found that practice to be extremely helpful. I do enjoy playing cards but the benefit I get from being around older people is much more than cards.
    It helps me see clearly, impermanence. It helps me to practice loving kindness and compassion, interacting with all of them.
    Playing cards is another route to help further concentration as well. To be honest that is my main motivation for playing lately is just to help with concentration.. I know I'm a terrible person hehehehe .
    If my intentions start being about the small amount of money that can be won at that center then I will have to go to sell the shoes on my feet and go to a casino to play with a bigger pot. Walking there won't be much fun though ;) (j/k)

    It is refreshing that concentration builds itself.. of course there is effort involved for the individual but ultimately it really unfolds naturally which kind of makes it easier in my opinion.
    Though at first the thing about relaxing and not trying to control it threw me off a bit because most peoples first action is to try and control/exert effort into accomplishing something.

    Grateful for the ability to attempt to be present for whatever is arising.

    Oh, I forgot.. another thing I do is OM AH HUM

    Inhale: OM

    The period between inhale/exhale: AH

    Exhale: HUM

    That cuts through the mental scattery pretty well most times.

    Thank you all again :)

  • So cool to hear that you are hanging out with the seniors. Good for you. Good for them.
  • :)

    I should be working as a Certified Nursing Assistant sometime in the future where I'll be working with them. In school for that I was working at a nursing home for a week and it was so rewarding. I knew just contemplating the job before I ever signed up for school that I would enjoy it.

    One resident there told me to not leave the seniors.. that whatever I do in life, make sure I remain helping and spending time with them.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    Mindfulness and concentration are like two sides of the same coin.
    Attention and focus.
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