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Incorporating Buddhism in a sermon?

DaftChrisDaftChris Spiritually conflicted. Not of this world. Veteran
edited August 2012 in Faith & Religion
I attend a Unitarian Universalist Church and I want to partake in a couple my own sermons. There are two topics I want to cover:

1.) Why do people believe in God (already getting ideas for this one).


2.) Something Buddhist related (one I need help with)

Unitarian Universalists believe that, just by existing, that every person is worthwhile and worthy of love, that we are all connected to each other in this mystery we call "life" and thst all beliefs are welcome. I think about 70% of the attendees at my church are Atheist, Agnostic or Humanist.

Anyway, what are some Buddhist ideas that I can incorporate into one of my sermons?


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    A good one for Buddhism is a classic, that everything changes. Impermanence. Looking to your life, your reality, without always being aware that it's going to change regardless of how much you don't want it to... is going to cause pain. The more you accept change in all things, the less pain. If you accept that we're all going to die and face this on a deeper level than the normal person, then the death of a loved one, while still causing you grief, won't cause as much grief. There are a thousand examples you could use.
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