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good morning all i hope this is a day full with joy and understanding
peace and ommm


  • Why thank you, I woke up at 2.30am in an attempt to get back on track with my sleeping patterns for school in Thailand (not school as in for kids). I went to sleep on Monday at around 3pm lol. It is now 4.25pm Tuesday and I have experienced a vast amount of joy throughout my day, so so so much more compared to my past few weeks. However, these are fleeting experiences, non graspable and therefore non existent. They should be let go of. You can have memories but they are only memories, if I visualize myself for example back in the UK with my family and friends, in my mind I am there and the emotions and all of the suffering that will inevitably come with that will arise if I am not wise. But your intention my friend at making this post was one of compassion so I bow down to you for that :)
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