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Yeah I don't think we ever get certainty I think we could probably second guess everything until we drove ourselves insane. So we developed scientific methods that allow us to get as close to certain as we can and we just deal with it
I think we might experience certainty at enlightenment though, but that's waaaay beyond science.
What @music says is correct when one looks at the uncaring world. The universe doesn't care if you suffer or not, and destruction is as much as part of life as creation. When you expand your mind, one thing that happens is, you realize how insignificat you and your short life span appears to be when compared to the almost infinite universe.
But that can also mean when you look up at the stars, you are the universe brought to consciousness and examing itself. It takes consciousness to experience beauty and wonder. It takes intelligence and imagination to picture alien worlds in our minds and wonder what it would be like to walk on alien soil.
We might be alone. We might be the first intelligence to evolve in the universe. After all, no matter how common life might be, someone has to be first. There had to be a world that sprouted life before any of the others. Maybe it's ours. Maybe our destiny is to seed life into the universe. Maybe we're the race that billions of other, alien races millions of years from now will point to as the founders.
I meant mindfulness, rather than gazing into the sun.
What I mean is, we can only know what we choose to enquire into.
That means that our picture of the universe is based on our conditions.
The illusion of conditions does equate to suffering. This is the unconditioned reality.
But I think that's what you meant anyway . Words words words.
I think we might experience certainty at enlightenment though, but that's waaaay beyond science.
But that can also mean when you look up at the stars, you are the universe brought to consciousness and examing itself. It takes consciousness to experience beauty and wonder. It takes intelligence and imagination to picture alien worlds in our minds and wonder what it would be like to walk on alien soil.
We might be alone. We might be the first intelligence to evolve in the universe. After all, no matter how common life might be, someone has to be first. There had to be a world that sprouted life before any of the others. Maybe it's ours. Maybe our destiny is to seed life into the universe. Maybe we're the race that billions of other, alien races millions of years from now will point to as the founders.