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Hey all i am still fairly new to Buddhism. After reading about Buddhism i realised i already shared most of th morals and view points. I am loving the idea of what Buddhism has to offer and starting to notice the benefits of living such a life style.

So what i am asking is, is there anything you encountered on you path i.e readings, thoughts, inspirational words and so fourth you feel have been mile stones and would you be ever so kind to share them with me.

Many Thanks


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2012
    Hell's bells.... ok. Virtually every word I've read, including many on this forum, in posts.
    It's almost impossible to pin any one specific thing down, but I'll try....

    "Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal." (The Dhammapada)

    if you cannot find Peace, Joy and Contentment where you are right now - then where else do you expect to find it?

    The trouble is - you think you have time.

    Kamma means basically that you don't get away with anything - and it all counts.

    "It should be no more a surprise to be born twice than it was to have been born once." Voltaire.

    I go for Refuge in the Buddha
    I go for Refuge in the Dhamma
    I go for Refuge in the Sangha.

    For a second time, I go for Refuge in the Buddha
    For a second time, I go for Refuge in the Dhamma
    For a second time, I go for Refuge in the Sangha.

    For a third time, I go for Refuge in the Buddha
    For a third time, I go for Refuge in the Dhamma
    For a third time, I go for Refuge in the Sangha.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Wisdom23 said:

    Hey all i am still fairly new to Buddhism. After reading about Buddhism i realised i already shared most of th morals and view points. I am loving the idea of what Buddhism has to offer and starting to notice the benefits of living such a life style.

    So what i am asking is, is there anything you encountered on you path i.e readings, thoughts, inspirational words and so fourth you feel have been mile stones and would you be ever so kind to share them with me.

    Many Thanks

    A couple of things that were said to me by monks in Thailand:

    "Easy to learn about Buddhism. Buy a book. Difficult to learn about yourself!"

    While in a Buddhist temple: "Everything you see here, even the statue of Buddha, has nothing to do with Buddhism. Everything you need for Buddhism is right here" (as he touched my head).

  • I_AM_THATI_AM_THAT Veteran
    edited September 2012
    A Thai Monk told me "Open your heart and free your mind and the truth will be presented to you" and "Don't look at external sources for your happiness... All you need is right here within you"

    I have received more teachings from other people and by observing the world around me than one single book I have read. Being the witness on how my senses and then emotions have a direct impact on how I relate to all things around me. The world is your teacher...
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