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The Struggle

I'm in law school and recently found out I'm going to be a dad (baby on the way). All of this is great. However, it is easy to let the stress of everything drag you down. There's lots to worry about if you want to.

The next few days are going to be a real spiritual test for me. I've got several tests, a paper, a baby to plan for, and more on my plate. I've found this page helpful in my moments of doubt. It is easy to get wrapped up in the world of deadlines, status, and competition. I have to work hard to remember that, whatever happens, success is the present moment and I only fail myself when I begin to obsess about grades and "success."

I'm writing this, in part, to re-focus myself on the present moment and also to solicit any good quotes or original insights for those of us who need to engage in the world-at-large and struggle to retain our peace of mind and proper focus.

I thank you in advance for your words of encouragement. Though I am thoroughly immersed in samsara, there is a light in the mind. Here's hoping it guides me well.

Thank you again. Peace.


  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited October 2012
    "I'm writing this, in part, to re-focus myself on the present moment."

    There is little room for those truely focusing on the present moment for "obsession" and "success". It sounds like you are already on the right track.
  • And peace to you.
    There are times when the baby, the job, the study, the partner, ARE our practice..are our Dharma. Mindfulness is always an option..on or off the cushion.
    In a monastery or in front of the TV...
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