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Religion of voters in swing states

vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
edited October 2012 in General Banter
I thought this was interesting in light of some of our conversations. It's part of the most recent poll of swing state voters, just completed. It's from the POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Tracking Poll.

Go to and scroll down to D 12, about 4/5 of the way down the page.

"What is the church you or your family attends most often?"


  • What did you think about the church question? I was surprised how many 'born again' christians.

    AME (Africa Methd. Episcopal) ................... *
    Assemblies of God ..................................... 1%
    Baptist/American ....................................... 3%
    Baptist/Missionary or Indep.
    or Primitive or other .................................. 5%
    Baptist/Southern ......................................... 8%
    Bible Church ............................................... 1%
    Christian Church ......................................... 7%
    Christian Reformed Church .............................
    Church of Christ ......................................... 1%
    Church of God ............................................ 1%
    Disciples of Christ ......................................... *
    Episcopalian ............................................... 1%
    Evangelical ................................................. 1%
    Friends ........................................................... *
    Fundamentalist .............................................. *
    Eastern/Greek Orthodox ................................ *
    Jewish ......................................................... 2%
    Lutheran ...................................................4%
    Mennonite ................................................... *
    Methodist/United Methodist ...................... 5%
    Mormon/Latter Day Saints ......................... 1%
    Nazarene ........................................................ *
    Non-denominational .................................5%
    Other Protestant ........................................3%
    Pentecostal/Charismatic ...........................1%
    Presbyterian/United Presb ........................3%
    Quaker/Amish ............................................. *
    Reformed Church in America ..................... *
    Roman Catholic ...................................... 21%
    Seventh Day Adventist ................................ *
    United Church of Christ .............................. *
    OTHER (SPECIFY) .................................2%
    None (TO D13) ...................................... 21%
    DK/REFUSED (TO D13) .......................... 4%
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    What interested me most was "none".
  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    Forgive my ignorance but what is "bible church" and how does it differ from any other christian church? Aren't they all bible churches?
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Do you think Roman Catholics are so high because they distrust the Mormons? I've heard very religious people say as much, anyways.

    Buddhists don't even register, lol...
  • Bunks said:

    Forgive my ignorance but what is "bible church" and how does it differ from any other christian church? Aren't they all bible churches?

    A "Bible Church" is an independent church not tied to any existing denomination. The Pastor and congregation answer to the Bible and God only, not some officials from a central office that tell them what to preach and how much money they must pay the central office every year.

    Anyone can grab a Bible, rent a hall or building, and declare they've started a Bible Church. The preachers tend to be charismatic and hold to a literal, fundamentalist and evangelical view of Christianity and the Bible. Most are pretty mainstream, although since there are no rules of conduct, some have strayed into cult status.
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