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I wrote a song: Circuit Cremation...Caution Language.

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited November 2012 in General Banter
Circuit Cremation

Verse 1

Don't destroy, let it rebuild, not on its own
But progress to feel, the need to believe
In something more than a fairytale in a class taught by the fools
It's a liquid rotation of nothing but sporadic demonstration
Of the mind, to behave in a circuit category,
So rip these lifeless categories
Let life, spit at your face, but clean it with your handkerchief
As it will be easy, to realize you have been reborn
Perhaps a dog or a coward
If you look the other way, like Jesus did on the autumn day
Amongst the GODs and good people
Who hoped to change the game to something of a cause
But nowadays people don't realize the cause
Therefore, let it be known that the cause is deep
And the root is in a tree of foundations
Not segregations
Moment too soon, never enough to conclude
What he would have done
A father walked out, but a mother stood out
As child unborn in a movement of emotional song
Tears rolled from the tip of my pen
To recreate the passion to ignite some type of revolution
As something, that moves the crowd away from the confusion...
I stood back up, and hoped to clap my hands in celebration
As it seems some type of change has been, eroticization
A humble progression, to change the minds of mentally handicapped
To disarray and never look back, but look forward to the change
That the ones who knew needed us to comply
However, it does seem too late, at least in July
As moments of glory cannot be electrified...

Verse 2
A change is to convert an exchange between the modification of the soul and mind
So I let you verify if these lyrics are truly a change of the mode
Or only a delusion in my own mind
As voices can be heard in my psyche as a verdict to these findings
That seems that the Judge cannot express
Thus, I bring you facts with formulating conclusions
Through hypothesis of inclusively free from the form of me
So they be listening as I am transcribing these words
In another words, I am letting them be heard

Verse 3
Let me rehearse before I step out into this reality
I am not ready, but I hope to be
Soon enough, to take it high above the sky
Not limiting my ability to fly
Above it all, and never touched nor torn without a claw
Above cloud 9, where I was suppose to be
Hanging with Buddha's from different century
Like a home baking dough boy
In an escape route I created for the purpose of making it supra
Of formula created for me to roar
What a shouting match of foe
Cause battling without a cause is like battling without a blast
It's a discombobulation, what am I relating to
when I have no one to interrelate with
I hope for a better day
I am not in low-spirited attention, but simply in a pressed down cremation
As a shining downcast of my own creation
Because GOD is above natural law
So what is left, but to count cards in a legal jurisprudence.


  • Very interesting and fun to read.
    Moment too soon, never enough to conclude
    That sounded a lot like it was from Buddhism. Like impermanence. Other parts good sometimes I 'got' what it was saying.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    Very interesting and fun to read.

    Moment too soon, never enough to conclude
    That sounded a lot like it was from Buddhism. Like impermanence. Other parts good sometimes I 'got' what it was saying.

    Thank you so much!:) I am going to record it, found an instrumental. I will post it here soon enough! Thank you once again!:)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Recorded, but it's a rough draft -
  • Great. A bit samey maybe after a time. Have you thought about doubling some of the words? Or maybe dropping the kick and snare out for a bar or two here and there.

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Florian said:

    Great. A bit samey maybe after a time. Have you thought about doubling some of the words? Or maybe dropping the kick and snare out for a bar or two here and there.

    No. But a great idea! I will take a look again! Thank you for reading/listening!:)
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