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Breaking Study First to Show Link Between Being Present In The Moment & Ageless DNA

From the article:

"Scientific studies have suggested that a mind that is present and in the moment indicates well-being, whereas shifting our energy to the past or future can lead to unhappiness. Now, a preliminary UCSF study shows a link between mind wandering and aging, by looking at a biological measure of longevity within our DNA."


  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Thank you!
  • Sile said:

    From the article:

    "Scientific studies have suggested that a mind that is present and in the moment indicates well-being, whereas shifting our energy to the past or future can lead to unhappiness. Now, a preliminary UCSF study shows a link between mind wandering and aging, by looking at a biological measure of longevity within our DNA."

    Are telomeres something that are inherited along with the DNA, or are can they be altered over time?

    Basically what I'd like to know is, does this suggest that ability to stay in the moment is at least partly genetic/hereditary ? If so, that's very discouraging.
  • Excellent! I just scrape into the test sample too. Guess you could say that meditation is better than botox! (though we all knew that...)
  • A telomere:


    And if you can understand what that image depicts, you're a better (wo)man than I. I see an impressionist train, crash barrels, and large blue crab monster.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    DNA can be altered over time. We have this tendency to believe we have no say in what happens with our DNA, but that's not really true. How we behave genetically predisposed our offspring to certain thins (or it can rather) but that doesn't mean they are doomed. Your cells are altered with everything you do, so it doesn't mean you can't do it. It just means it might be harder for you than for the next person, just like anything else in life. There's no reason to be discouraged unless you choose to be. Practice in mindfulness is never futile.
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