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It seems that some on this site carry a bit of that creative flair!
Post samples of your art (digi, hand made, photos or whatever you create) here!
I'll have a dig in my photobucket and see what I can find!
I hope others will post too, as I'd like to see their work too!
I also write and perform original music - if anyone is interested in giving things a listen.
Love the work.
I really, really, really dig traditional Chinese art. I have quite a bit of it hanging on my walls.
Is this pen/ink?
Here is my work from my degree show! I hope you like it!
What do you make these articles out of? Is it all done by hand? Loom? What's your technique?
One is knitted with washine line (the yellow one), the blue one is Ethernet cable, the small ones are a rubber glove, a j-cloth, a duster, a plastic bag and a sock! The dangly ones are made from altered and reknitted jumpers!
The one with the phone, the top is knitted from continuous telephone extension wires attached to the phone which has a normal wool knitted cover! (the phone still works through the whole thing!)
Do you like them or just think i'm odd now?!
No... I don't think you're weird.
I think it's fun that someone takes something most of us would simply discard and make something totally different out of it!
The pictures were just kind of small and I couldn't really tell what some of the items were. Have you wore the cover AND taken a call at th same time?
and the knitted top!
If you'd like to read my catalogue brief explanation, you can see it here....
I like to find the items that people disregard or just 'miss', as I feel that they play much more of an important part than any of us care to believe!
It's just regular bic pen.
Is that the "traditional" Chinese bic pen?
I did consider saving my weirdenss until I had more posts, but hey, if you like me this way then that's great!