I used to be active on Buddhist boards etc for a couple yrs and now have pretty much dropped off. I miss the connection I felt with others in those venues and felt it was helpful to my practice. I sit back and wonder where that impetus to post and connect went if I miss it?
I think it is because I feel I have exhausted my Buddhist knowledge that can be converyed in in non personal context. I know practice is in every breath but frankly this ultimate knowledgte cannot be the substance of all my posts. Well it is, but you know what I mean.That is something all practitioners work with but do not need to be beat on the head with. It just becomes.People come here and want (need?) educated references and insight., Personal too but not as much.
And I feel my practice is just the poor skeleton of sitting and reflecting on this every moment breath when i am aware and doing the next right thing. And that canot be the contect of my posts.Although the context of my living I think.
My initaila 'getting'of this fact that I was living this but had no context to work with was so powerful that I wanted to share enthusiastically and loved to share and post about ways it permeated my thoughts on a varietuy of issues. Now I have a blog where I consciously do this and it satisfies that need to express.Come, come
Have you all felt this or can relate? Silly question, becuase if you do, then you are not here!I miss being partof teh sanghaonline but feelI have litttle to offer thatis any different form others so I do not join in as I do not wantto be a big space hogger, I-am-so-deep type.
Wishing you well.
It sound as if I am suggesting that Buddhism is yet another plaything or distraction which we enthuse about for a while, then discard....Sorry...I don't mean to imply that at all.
We "grow". and as we grow, we out-grow certain aspects, and move along to others....but that which we have outgrown is still as vital and wonderful, and fruitful to our development....It is necessary, because nobody can run without first learning to walk....
And some move on to rocket science, and others still like to play cowboys and indians.... It's all good, it's all fine and everyone goes with their own particular flow....but all in the same stream....
But, I find that being in contact with people that have the same beliefs, occassionally discussing bits of teaching, occassionally being taught a lesson, occassionally still learning to bite my tongue or evaluating what I'm thinking about saying - all does me a little bit of good.
I find there are people that I really care about here - wonder how they are - keep them in my thoughts - always pop in to make sure they are around and okay.
If this site contained information or teaching that was "new" or never been touched upon before - I think this site would be much crazier than it is.
And I'm okay with how it is
not to mention that im far too lazy to read the majority of posts over about 6 lines..
I'll bear it in mind! LOL