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Sweet, Sweet Lullabies

I wrote this poem several weeks ago. It reflects a time in the military when I wanted to kill myself. I stood upon the precipice of a cliff in Bahrain, overlooking the North Arabian Sea. This poem is a bit sad, but writing it did my heart well.

Silent reveries and candy memories,
caramel winds whisper my heart's intent;
may the loving tide wash away my tears

Crystal skies and lullabies,
soothing songs of fading light;
seal my secrets within the shadows of the deep

A solemn story,
upon the gentle breeze, I inscribe;
carry the rest away with the tide

Shimmering cliffs from whence I'll drift;
this body stowed,
forever lost within the undertow

Serenade me into the endless dark,
free-falling from worldly ties;
I am undeserving of such sweet, sweet lullabies


  • Author of such beautiful poems should not die. They should live on and bring joys to the world with their work. That would be a great contribution to mankind.
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