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The Overview Effect

Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal DhammaWe(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
Just watched this video (~20 mins) that talks about the power of viewing Earth from space - having a "big picture" or "overview" frame of mind. It touches on the spiritual, existential, political, environmental realizations made by people who have experienced the "overview" effect.

My own take: it was very interesting, but I thought they could've gone a bit deeper into some of the themes, and not just various quips about how "awesome" it is to see earth from space.


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2013
    This is fabulous, thank you so much for posting it! :thumbsup:

    Some experiences are so profound it's nearly impossible to find words to describe them. Even the Buddha struggled after his Enlightenment, debating with himself whether it would even be possible to put into words his experience, let alone teach anyone anything about it. Sometimes the best that awestruck people can manage is, "Gosh, it shore is purty!" ;)

    But if you go back and watch the film again, and pay attention especially to former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, you'll get more substance out of it. After retiring from NASA, Mitchell founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences, in California, as a think tank and research facility to explore and push the limits of the capacity of the human mind, and to share their discoveries with the public. Mitchell's experience in space showed him that there is so much more to life than our mundane experience, so he created this organization as a means to open up expanded possibilities to humanity.

    And yes, it would be wonderful to expand on the scientific and spiritual aspects of it, and turn it into a feature film. We need more films that are inspiring and uplifting. Thanks again, OP.
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