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Only one God created this entire Universe!!
Only one God created this entire Universe!!
Hindus say that Brahman is the creator, Muslims say
That Allah is creator, Christians say that the creator is
Jehovah, all say that the creation is this entire world.
If Hindus say that Brahman created India, and if
Muslims say that Allah created Arabian countries and
If Christians say that Jehovah created the western countries,
The problem is solved, there can be three Gods together,
Who have created the three parts of the earth separately.
But this is not so, each religion says that their God only
Created the entire world, unfortunately there is one world!
One world only! Come on, all of you sit together here
And give me the final conclusion after debate, otherwise,
The scientists are laughing on all of you! Shame to all!
They criticize that these religions do not have even
The basic logic, which is the fundamental common sense.
Because of you, the greatest God is also mocked by them
They say that the religions are rigid conservatisms!
Even a small boy is putting this question to all of you.
Stop all your discourses and first answer this question.
If you want to say that God created the entire world,
You have to accept that there is one God only always
And that His names are all the above three names.
We see in the world a single person having three names.
If there is one God, He only created this entire world.
All the human beings are invariably His children only.
No Father is partial to a single child and therefore
He must have preached the same knowledge to all
In different languages and in different methodologies
To different levels, this is Universal Spirituality.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami
Anil Antony
Thanks Fede.
Have a great day. Peace!
Well, that's a moot point, ajani..... Everybody is welcome to 'get in here'... because we are a friendly, welcoming and accommodating bunch of laid-back people.. I don't enjoy coming in as a big "I am" and hopefully cannot be accused of doing so, but on these rare occasions, I am charged with the responsibility of making decisions of this nature.... All and sundry are welcome to come in and integrate and participate....
...And 'Tolerance' is a funny word.... it implies a certain amount of judgement, because it denotes a willingness to "put up with something".....This is, then, where we have to examine our own prejudices.....My personal opinion is that judgement is nevercompletely impartial, but can be weighed by a prejudice, be it intentional, conscious or unconscious.....'Acceptance' is a better term, rather than 'tolerance'.
I didn't ban this guy to necessarily censor him and his views, I took the decision to ban him for the reasons I gave above.:)
There were at least five posts that I saw yesterday (although I didn't actually count them, and I saw the same posts on another forum so I might be wrong). I almost PM'd fede to ask about, but the next time I checked, she'd already dealt with it.
Federica’s stance reminds me of something Thomas Merton once wrote … “He who does not take a stand is a coward.” (paraphrased, I think)
When I look at such posts as Anil’s, I become aware of the stage of consciousness of that person. Within particular stages, such as Concrete Operations, there is no possibility of resolution. The individual must self-evolve beyond there need for a concrete reality of egoistic propensities.