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The Meaning of Cetana

The term cetana means "of the citta", where the root "cit" functions as heart/mind. Cetana is commonly translated as "intention" and equated with "sankhara" in the sutras in terms of the five aggregates. Elsewhere, it is equated with kamma. I think this translation as "intention" leaves much in want, and given that the root "cit" can apply to the mind or the heart, might better be translated as "emotion", or at least "motivation" to account for the fact that emotions act as motivators. Even in the Abhidhammic breakdown, the aggregate of "sankhara" is used to account for emotional states and other mental events. Basically, emotion can be seen as that which moves one to act, as well as the future product of action- acting out of anger establishes the anger-habit, etc..

This would make the five aggregates form, sensation, cognition, emotion/motivation, and consciousness.

I would appreciate comments and input related to potential translations for the term "cetana".

Consider the following translations, with emotion in place of intention:

"Emotion, monks, is kamma. Having been moved, one acts by body, speech, and mind."
"What one obsesses about, what one emotionalizes, and what one plans... these are the support for the stationing of consciousness."
"There are these six emotions: emotions towards sights...sounds...smells...tastes...tangibles...thoughts."


  • Alternatively, with motivation, which at second glance I prefer over just emotion:

    "Motivation, monks, is kamma. Motivated, one acts by body, speech, and mind."
    "What obsesses one, what motivates one, and what one plans... these are the support for the stationing of consciousness."
    "There are these six motivations: motivations towards sights...sounds...etc...."
  • Emotion fits in better in the karmic scheme of things, as being the cause and result of action...
  • chelachela Veteran
    edited March 2013
    When I think of "intention," I think of something thought out, which I also think is closer to "motivation". When I think of "emotion," I think of something not necessarily thought out, even on many occasions, not thought out at all. Now, as a Buddhist, I see emotion as something that is tricky-- something that needs to be realized and thought about (before acting on). Perhaps this is just my own view developed from personal experience with emotional issues.
  • Synchronicity. I just asked my guru by e-mail what citta was in the four mindfulnesses (body, feeling, citta, and dharma),,,

    Your post makes sense to me. I was asking her if feeling bored was a citta, the emotion of feeling bored. Whereas feeling would be the dislike of being bored. And body would be the body feeling from all of the above. The whole thought world of being bored and all the heavy feeling and claustrophobia. Yes that's it. The claustrophobia would be an emotion and I imagine is a citta.

  • edited March 2013
    The cetana is the intention not the emotion. The emotion is most time the kilesa defilement of the greedy, hatred, delusion. Buddha have enlightened emotion: metta karuna mudita. Buddha have Right Intention Bodhi Citta intention for stop kilesa defilement and saving the sentient being. Buddha tell us intention is nutriment [ahara]. Like the physical food. The human being cannot be living without the intention. Eightfold Path have Right Intention not Wrong Intention. Internet have Puttamansa Sutta of the intention nutriment. Good intention & the bad intention take human being to fire pit. Right Intention take the human being to the enlightenment Nibbana.
  • Digha Nikaya on internet in English:
    Feeling born of eye-contact... Feeling born of ear-contact... Feeling born of nose-contact... Feeling born of tongue-contact... Feeling born of body-contact... Feeling born of intellect-contact...

    "Perception of forms... Perception of sounds... Perception of smells... Perception of tastes... Perception of tactile sensations... Perception of ideas...

    "Intention for forms... Intention for sounds... Intention for smells... Intention for tastes... Intention for tactile sensations... Intention for ideas...

    "Craving for forms... Craving for sounds... Craving for smells... Craving for tastes... Craving for tactile sensations... Craving for ideas...

    "Thought directed at forms... Thought directed at sounds... Thought directed at smells... Thought directed at tastes... Thought directed at tactile sensations... Thought directed at ideas...

    "Evaluation of forms... Evaluation of sounds... Evaluation of smells... Evaluation of tastes... Evaluation of tactile sensations... Evaluation of ideas seems endearing and agreeable in terms of the world. That is where this craving, when arising, arises. That is where, when dwelling, it dwells.
    Emotion is the craving.
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