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Meditation to fight illness

Recently the majority of my family has been overcome by a stomach illness. I'm afraid that the longer I stay in this sick house, the more likely I am to catch the sickness. Is there a practice to fight off the illness possibly?


  • Sorry I hadn't seen the other thread like this.
  • TheEccentricTheEccentric Hampshire, UK Veteran
    I wish I knew one, I am stuck in bed now because of a severe upset stomach :(
  • Not really, just take a practical approach and try to be helpful to your family but at the same time be very hygienic, keep your distance and just have common sense. Meditation is great for a variety of things, and yes there is a link between the mind and body. But there was a saying someone said on a forum years ago I remember well. Meditation is like a cell phone, it is good for calling people and playing games on, but you can't wash your car with it. Meditation isn't the answer for everything, and there are a lot of things beyond your control.
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