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Tuning In - Spirit Channelers in America (I don't know if I should believe??) Do you?

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    This is a very long film, and starts out kinda creepily, so I'm going to skip it. However, I've had friends who are from other parts of the world tell me about this sort of thing.

    I knew a woman who could see and communicate with the spirits of deceased people, but that's different than this. She'd help people communicate with their loved ones. I know she was for real, because my departed loved ones speak foreign languages, something she didn't know about me. She was surprised that she was hearing languages she didn't understand. She also described the people to a "T". She wasn't able to pronounce the words she was hearing, except one: she said my childhood nickname in that language. So there was no question in my mind that she was for real.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Dakini said:

    This is a very long film, and starts out kinda creepily, so I'm going to skip it. However, I've had friends who are from other parts of the world tell me about this sort of thing.

    I knew a woman who could see and communicate with the spirits of deceased people, but that's different than this. She'd help people communicate with their loved ones. I know she was for real, because my departed loved ones speak foreign languages, something she didn't know about me. She was surprised that she was hearing languages she didn't understand. She also described the people to a "T". She wasn't able to pronounce the words she was hearing, except one: she said my childhood nickname in that language. So there was no question in my mind that she was for real.

    Skim through the film. There is also parts on youtube. I recommend this. Interesting further in.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    I've never really looked into this "world" before. I've always heard stories of a "friend of a friend" so I always take it with a grain of salt. But after skimming the video and hearing @Dakini's report, I'm actually sort of curious to meet someone who claims to have such abilities.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

    I've never really looked into this "world" before. I've always heard stories of a "friend of a friend" so I always take it with a grain of salt. But after skimming the video and hearing @Dakini's report, I'm actually sort of curious to meet someone who claims to have such abilities.

    Glad to see you have an open mind!:)
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I don't doubt that there are people that have access to things we don't yet (and maybe never will) understand. But I don't see the point in going there. I prefer to work harder with the people while they are still here instead of wishing to tell them things or communicate with them after they are gone. It makes the letting go and moving on, harder.

    A few years ago, my 42 year old cousin died of a genetic lung condition, leaving his wife and 3 young kids behind. His mother, my aunt, has 3 other children. However, since her son died, she has concentrated only on getting in touch with him, and has left her 3 other kids (who are all well grown adults in their 40s) feeling uncared about and left behind in favor of the dead on. My aunt drives 300 miles one way, twice a month, to visit a supposed spirit worker to communicate with her dead son. She has never processed the fact that he died. She refuses to recognize it because in her mind she is still communicating with him. I have a hard time buying this, because #1 I hope my cousin isn't still hanging out there in netherworld communicating with his mother 3 years after his death. And #2 IF such a thing exists, the people providing the service should be helping to provide closure, not keep the paying customer coming back time and time again for years on end. Of course, that is how they make their money so that is what they do, and because of that, it leaves me wary.

    I have lost people quickly, with no knowledge or preparation of their death, and yes, it's hard to deal with that suddenness of feeling they were ripped from your life. But you do, and you move on. There are people I miss, but there is not a single person I'd have the desire to talk to, because they are gone. It is as it should be, and me wishing it was different, or hoping for answers doesn't change that. My cousin was sick for a very long time. His mom chose to remain in denial over his illness and upcoming death, and instead of taking the time to say and do what she wanted while she was here, she convinced herself he'd never die and now she is paying the price, both in her emotional and mental suffering, and her pocketbook.

    I remain open minded to the things I don't understand. But I have no desire myself to go there. I have enough to deal with here without figuring how to manage conversations from people in my past.
  • chelachela Veteran
    I agree that there are things that we don't yet know about and things that we don't yet understand. I think communicating with the dead reflects one's idea/beliefs on what happens when people die. In many cultures, this communication doesn't happen, and in many cultures, this communication does happen (even if it is a one-way communication). Does that prove anything definitive? The only thing I can think of is that people's understandings of death differ widely.

    I am open to possibilities, but I am also skeptical. Some things don't make sense to me. I feel like if a loved one, someone who you were supposedly so close to, dies and wants to communicate, why can't you just receive the information? Why does there have to be someone else-- a stranger who you're paying-- receiving it? Doesn't make sense to me, but again, I certainly don't know everything.

    But for me, when my loved ones depart their human lives as I know them, their energies are absorbed in this Earth, in this Universe. I am not privy to exactly where their energies go, and I am okay with that because it doesn't really matter. If they want to communicate to me, I have faith that I will receive the message if I am open to that possibility. I certainly won't go searching for a self-proclaimed professional medium.
  • Do I believe in this? My belief system is such that I have room for this. But, when I see it presented in such an overt way, the idea seems cheapened to me. Diluted. Reduced to almost a poorly done parlor-trick.

    That said, there are, as I think of them, "smoking guns" in my life that suggest that something like this is possible. The exact content of my "smoking guns," though, is very personal, so maybe that's why when such things are spoken about in such a public way, I find it personally distasteful.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Thanks to everyone who has commented!!
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