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New Creation (Multiplicity) Process in Samsāra

buddhitaksobuddhitakso Explorer
edited May 2013 in Philosophy
According to the Chinese philosophy, everything has both Yin and Yang aspects. Yin and Yang are actually complementary but opposing forces interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; thus bringing forth a dynamic system existing in harmony. The visual representation of this concept is well depicted in the Taijitu symbol or the loosely referred to as yin-yang symbol. Literally, Tai-ji means supreme ultimate – that represents an insightful reality of the dependent nature i.e. highlighting the many natural dualities such as female and male, dark and light, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, life and death, etc.

Whenever one quality reaches its peak, it will naturally begin to transform into the opposite quality. The communion of the two gives birth to things. Yin and Yang transform each other – just like an undertow in the ocean, every advance is complemented by a retreat, and every rise transforms into a fall. Generally, Yin is associated with water, earth, moon, femininity, night time, etc. and is characterised as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive. Whereas, by contrast, Yang is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity, day time, etc. and is characterised as fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive. The classic principle in effect: ‘Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin’.

If one refers to the cycle of Dependent Origination, manas that unfolds against a backdrop of consciousness (preliminary) is an architect or a designer that activates mind and body creations. Mind and body are simply two aspects of the same thing. Manas would vibrate in a certain unique frequency – a wave of collated high and low vibrations. This blueprint of vibrations would subsequently bring forth the conflation of mind and body. The principle in effect: the lower the frequency, the slower the vibration; the higher the frequency, the faster the vibration. Slower vibration would lead to the body and the sense bases formation and faster vibration would lead to the mind formation. Collectively, it brings about a new life existence with a unique individuality that would not allow the disruption by any kind of external interference; thus it maintains a self-identity. In other words, mind and body are present in every created thing as one integrated whole. Even an atom has a kind of mind that is unique or individualised. The nucleus of the atom, around which electrons vibrate in standing waves, constitutes the atom’s individuality. As a result, one atom distinguishes from another atom – just as one person is different from another person or as one thing is different from another thing.

Nevertheless, the mind is comprised with two terms i.e. prevailing conscious and subtle conscious. Both prevailing and subtle mind consciousnesses would arise in the sentient beings but for other things, merely subtle mind consciousness would arise. In addition, it is the mind, the consciousness of individuality, which holds together the atoms and molecules as one integrated body in a life time. Scientifically, the atoms are held together by covalent chemical bonds but the synergies of it would give rise to the mind, the consciousness of individuality. For general understanding, subtle mind consciousness does not consume as much energy as prevailing mind consciousness. Subtle conscious mind can process and store information without a lot of work or intervention of prevailing conscious mind. In other words, subtle mind consciousness could operate in the absence of prevailing mind consciousness with the least of energy consumption on 24 hours/day and 365 days/year - this would mean a plenty of energy reserves for prolonging the lifespan of a body in a life time.

In fact, for over 90% of the time in a lifespan, the body is administered by subtle mind consciousness and it simply operates like a radar detector – sensing all spectrums of vibrational frequencies from the surroundings and across the time stream (past, present and future). As such, one would notice that an enlightened subtle mind consciousness would operate like a long range radar detector which is highly luminous and vigilant to any development of circumstances and surpassing time.

When one has reached the maturity of a lifespan, mind and body would go through a dying process, inevitably. And the first type of consciousness to depart the body would be prevailing mind consciousness. In the sentient beings, the prevailing mind consciousness that bonds strongly the atoms and the molecules together would die out and evolve into other energies concurrently. This incidence would lead to an impulse occurrence with a demonstration of a final burst of energy nearing the death moments. Subsequently, the segregation process would conquest with most of the subtle mind consciousness departing the death body.

For an ignorant being, during a disintegration process, the prevailing conscious aggregate or so-called the ‘chain of conscious’ aggregate would die out and the force of Ignorance (an outward tendency force) would overcome the force of Awakening (an inward tendency force). The subtle conscious aggregate would then liberate into fragments. The amount of liberated fragments is very much dependent on the level of Ignorance or Awakening within the being. And for an ignorant being, the level of Ignorance would surpass the level of Awakening and this would mean the intensity of Ignorance is higher than the intensity of Awakening. A higher intensity of Ignorance would mean a higher intensity of becoming. A higher intensity of becoming would mean a higher amount of liberated fragments. On the other hand, for an awakened being, the amount of liberated fragments is much lesser than an ignorant being because there is lower intensity of Ignorance as compared with the intensity of Awakening. Also, the dispersion of liberated fragments is more confined and restricted to much fewer new individuals.

Last of all, during segregation process, sense consciousness and the lingering subtle mind consciousness would evolve into other energies concurrently with the body decomposing process. At the end of the day, the fragmented subtle mind consciousness with some retained sub-information within the sub-memory aggregates would sustain freedom of sorts and waiting for the next alignment process and the new balance phenomena to arise, thus depicting the continuous flow or repeating cycle of birth, life, death and re-birth - known as Samsāra.



  • The Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction

    Everything or anything (physical or non-physical) that exists is nothing but energy. And energy is nothing but a mere element of vibration. The basic level of a matter is energy. The basic level of energy is vibration. Therefore, matter is a vibrating mass of energy in which the different frequency of vibration would determine the shape and the size of it. So energy and matter are both referring to the same thing - both reflected in different forms per se. Just like cause and effect are the same things - both reflected in a different time of events.

    According to the Einstein’s formula, E = mc2, energy can be generated by enforcing a matter into a circumstance of extremely high rate of vibration. At the same time, a matter can be formed by compressing energy into a circumstance of extremely low rate of vibration. In the material Universe, this is how we clarify that something arises as in object is not out of nothing but arises out of the energy elements that exist in a system. And dependent nature of phenomena is a necessary pre-requisite for energy or matter to exist; without it, the energy or matter would be impossible. As such, every existence does contain with the three basic elements - energy, matter and space. These basic elements would subject to the balance and the imbalance phenomena. Under a balance phenomenon, these elements would start to integrate with each other to create an aggregate activity. Under an imbalance phenomenon, these elements would start to disintegrate from each other to create a segregate activity.

    Once again, everything in the material Universe is made up of energy. Atoms and molecules are made up of energy. Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our houses are all made up of energy but what makes them different is their vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a different frequency under the influences of conditional phenomena. Everything has its own vibrational frequency – our thoughts, our feelings, the rock, the table, the car, the animal, the plant, the tree, etc. Even colours are merely expressions of certain vibrational frequencies. These scenarios are guided by a system of universal law known as the Law of Vibration. In fact, the Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that we attract what we are sending out i.e. like attracts like, unlike repels unlike. Hence, favourable energies attract favourable energies and unfavourable energies attract unfavourable energies. Human thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space and it is the most potent vibration that can attracts what is desired or wished for. In other words, all sentient beings are electro-magnetic beings with the subtle mind consciousness that acts as an antenna or a radar detector constantly attracting and magnetising vibrational frequencies. Human thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. This resonance is the basis for a universal law – the Law of Attraction. At the end of the day, the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration go hand in hand at all times.
  • The Cycle of Dependent Origination

    Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge. Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion. Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to sparkle. Sparkle leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation. Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity. Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling. Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to imbalance. Imbalance leads to adjustment. Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to new balance.

    The principle in effect: -

    A stream of balance phenomena would conjure up aggregate activity,
    A stream of aggregate activities would conjure up information,
    A stream of information would conjure up memory,
    A stream of memories would conjure up ignorance,
    A stream of ignorance would conjure up volitional impulse,
    A stream of volitional impulses would conjure up consciousness,
    A stream of consciousness would conjure up body and mind,
    A stream of body and mind would conjure up six sense bases,
    A stream of six sense bases would conjure up contact,
    A stream of contacts would conjure up feeling,
    A stream of feelings would conjure up craving,
    A stream of cravings would conjure up clinging,
    A stream of clinging would conjure up becoming,
    A stream of becoming would conjure up birth,
    A stream of births would conjure up aging,
    A stream of aging would conjure up death,
    A stream of deaths would conjure up segregate activity,
    A stream of segregate activities would conjure up imbalance phenomenon,
    A stream of imbalance phenomena would conjure up new balance phenomenon.

    Thus the conditional phenomena would continue repeatedly to depict the rising and the falling activities in the dependent nature.
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