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Ion makes the world go round

What is an ion? An ion is a charged atom or molecule. It is charged due to the imbalance number of electrons and the number of protons in the atom or molecule. An atom can become a positive charge or a negative charge depending on whether the number of electrons in an atom is greater or lesser than the number of protons in the atom. Ion concentrations can vary over short distances i.e. one may find that one end of a room has an excess of positive ions and the other end, negative. In nature, ions are formed in a variety of ways - about half are created by radioactive gases and the other half are produced from radioactive substances in the soil, cosmic rays, ultraviolet rays, air flow friction, falling water and plants.

Basically, positive ions have a negative effect on humans and animals. Some of the side effects caused by high positive ion counts are violent behaviour, road rage, depression, dizziness, chills, tremors, sleeplessness, fatigue, irritability, nausea, lethargy, respiratory symptoms, headaches, migraines, increase in heart attacks, high blood pressure, increase in optical disturbances, anxiety, body aches/pains, etc. Today, the modern homes and offices seal out negative ions. Computer terminals, fluorescent lighting, forced air ventilation systems, and modern building materials generate an over abundance of positive ions. Electrical gadgets such as microwave oven, laptop, desktop computer, television, mobile phone or the alarm clock could be to blame for the lacking of negative ions in the atmosphere. Other positive ionisation could derive from car exhausts, factory fumes, tire dust, cigarette smoke, cooking and heating fumes, dust, etc.

On the other hand, negative ions are beneficial to humans and animals. It has been proven scientifically that a high count of negative ions will decrease fatigue, reduce migraines/headaches, strengthen the function of autonomic nerves, strengthen the body immune system, improves metabolism, improves asthma and other respiratory conditions, lowers blood pressures, etc. Refreshing places, usually located in the mountains and near waterfalls and seashores have high negative ion concentrations. In humans, most researchers think that negative ions act on the capacity to absorb and utilise oxygen, accelerating the blood’s delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues. Generally, negative ions have much higher rates of mobility as compared with the positive ions due to increase in the number of electrons that are constantly vibrating in standing waves on the surface of the ions.

Once again, the charged molecules or ions play a vital role in the physical and the spiritual development of humans. Our frame of mind and body conditions depend on the composition of the air that we breathe. Air is electrically charged, which means it contains in definite proportions, positively charged molecules (positive ions) and negatively charged molecules (negative ions). There is a need for their balance to conjure up favourable vibes for one’s mental and physical progression. In fact, the yin-yang concept is mostly based upon the orientation of positive ions and negative ions in the surroundings. When there is a balance in the definite proportion of ions, whereby the number of positive ions (yin) is almost equal to the number of negative ions (yang), there will be a harmonious ‘chi’ or energy in the surroundings and vice versa.

On another front, the definite proportion of ions in the atmosphere has an intimate relevance to the arising of spirit or ghost energies in the human realms. Ordinary spirits or ghosts that are abided with ignorance would be drawn to the cluster of positive ions. This is because positive ions are correlated with the energies of dukkha i.e. ignorance would give rise to unfavourable thoughts, ill-wills, angers, un-satisfactoriness, attachments, restlessness, jealousy, pessimism, etc. Common areas such as windowless and closed rooms, abandoned houses, hospitals, factories, old buildings – in derelict and overgrown states, would usually sustain a higher concentration of positive ions in the surroundings – an ideal passageway for the manifestation of wandering ghosts or spirits in the human realms. And from direct experience, a ghost or a spirit arising in close proximity could evoke with severe headaches, nausea and lethargy on our physical body unexpectedly – an apparent sign of soaring density of positive ions in the surrounding area. In other words, a human who is afflicted with a mental or a physical illness would tend to attract or magnetise with the spirits or the ghosts more often than the healthy ones due to higher presence of positive ions in the body and the surroundings.

As a conclusion, ions are necessary pre-requisites for becoming process to exist; without it, the becoming process would be impossible in the dependent nature. For humans, the presence of high negative ions would bring scores of advantages to the spiritual and the physical development. In fact, the surroundings with high negative ion concentrations would attract or magnetise with favourable energies from devas, angels and other deities that could help individuals in many ways along the path to spiritual liberation. Therefore, it is crucial for one to find balance with the ion concentrations at all times because ions are ‘kingmakers’ in the mental and the physical health condition of individuals.


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited May 2013
    I'm not sure all of this is true, but I have no reason to doubt you so nice post, interesting. I am a chemist so I was drawn to the thread to see if the information fit science and it did, protons and electrons.

    Thunder storms make negative ions and those are shown to make a person feel good. The lightning is actually something like electrons. We are having a thunderstorm now and it feels good, but it might be because it is dusk and the storm is cooling off the hot day.

    Minerals contain ions and they are balanced charges. Table salt is a perfect alternating cube of sodium + and chloride - ions. Our bodies are totally filled with many types of ions.

    sodium NA chloride Cl


    (also in three dimensions)

    proteins in humans (peptides) have a plus ion at one end and a - ion at the other...

    ^ more info enjoy

    ^more the physiology

    In organic chemistry bodies are studied which contain carbon. Carbon is very unique in the variation of bonds it can make because it makes 4 bonds. A double bond consumes 2 of the 4. The bonds are electrons! You can have alternating double bonds and there is then something called 'resonance' where the double bonds can shift back and forth between location of the charge in different areas, but the actual 'map' of the electrons is an average of the resonance and the resonance is not really shifting in time. This is called an orbital, the electron cloud and in resonance a lot of weird effects.

    My research studied polymers with resonant double bonds between them. A polymer is a chain of paper clips whereas a molecule is just one paper clip. A polymer is 'polymerized' to make a chain and because the chain is so 'fast together' it is a solid. The resonant polymers changed colors when you applied a voltage with a battery and the technology could some day be used to make a foldable computer screen. Neato!
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