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Retro-Cognition is Radically Real...


Seeing the past Causes and their present Effects!


Once when the Venerable Anuruddha was dwelling at Savatthi in Jeta's Grove,
in Anathapindika's Park, a number of Bhikkhus went to the Venerable Anuruddha &
exchanged polite greetings with him. Then they sat down & asked the Ven. Anuruddha:
Venerable Sir: What has the Venerable Anuruddha developed and cultivated so that
he has attained to his famous greatness of direct knowledge? It is, friends, because I
have developed and cultivated these four Foundations of Awareness that I have won
great direct knowledge. What 4? Here, friends, I dwell constantly contemplating upon:
The Body as a formed frame, neither as any me-I-ego, anything lasting, nor as pleasure!
The Feelings as passing sensations, neither as belonging to me or mine, nor as pleasure!
The Mind just as temporary moods and mentalities, neither as I-Mine, nor as any soul!
All Phenomena just as conditioned mental states, and neither as substance, nor any real!
while eager, clearly comprehending, and aware, thereby removing all desire & frustration
rooted in this world! It is because I have developed these Four Foundations of Awareness
that I have become empowered with these supra-human forces: With the divine eye, which
is purified & surpasses the human, I see beings passing away and being reborn, as inferior
or superior, beautiful or ugly, fortunate or unfortunate, & I understand how beings travel
on in accordance with their past actions (=kamma) thus: The beings who misbehaved bodily,
verbally and mentally, who reviled the Noble Ones, held wrong views, and did actions based
on their wrong views, with the break-up of their body, right after death, they have been
reborn in a state of misery, in a painful destination, in the lower worlds, even in hell...!
But these other beings, who engaged in good behaviour bodily, verbally and mentally, who did
not revile the Noble Ones, who held right view, and undertook actions based on this right view,
with the break-up of their body, after death, they are reborn in a superior and exceedingly
happy destination, even a divine world! Thus with the divine eye, which is purified & surpasses
the human, I see beings passing away and being reborn, inferior and superior, beautiful & ugly,
fortunate and unfortunate, and I understand how beings are reborn and fare on in this round
all in accordance with their past kamma (past life behaviour).

Buddha once said:
It is kamma that separates beings into inferiority and superiority! MN iii 203


Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya. [V:305]
section 52: Anuruddha. Thread 23: The Divine Eye!

The 6 suprahuman forces, supernormal knowledge's see:

About Kamma: The accumulation of intention, with spurious effects see:


About Retro-cognition and the Divine Eye: The Dibba-Cakkhu see:

On folly longing after a now unreal past, that has passed never ever to return:


Retro-Cognition is Radically Real...

Seeing the past Causes and their present Effects!
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