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Tricycle Forums are Back (Sort of...)

edited November 2006 in Buddhism Today
Tricycle Forums are Back (Sort of...)

Check it out: Tricycle Forums

Obviously, this is a BB just starting up; many of the forums are still empty. When I went over there today, there were exactly two people on the board. But they claim "8971 registered members." Barf me with a spoon, please. Where did they buy those, please? Is the most precious of all possible boards (e-Sangha) going down? (That's a real question; I NEVER visit the most precious of all possible boards; it's against my religion).

This could have potential, but what are "Tricycle Tele-Teachings" please? Big names. Too big to actually come to the board on any kind of regular basis.

On the whole, I'm underwhelmed, but the thing has potential. It's clearly undeveloped, and it could grow in the right direction, that is, being a place where actual online Buddhists would actually go.

At the moment, it is bending over backwards to avoid being what the original Tricycle Forums were -- an online community. Exclusive forums for paid subscribers, "Tele-Teachings," 8K+ "subscribers" who can't know what has been done to them here, and pretty much an exclusive focus on either material that has appeared in Tricycle, or people who publish there. Pretty sterile. Pretty commercial. Pretty tacky, in fact.
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