Michael Moore came to my city only a few years ago I think filming a documentary about democracy. I live in Canada. I think it might be a film about democracy in Canada. I am very interested to see it.
The conservative party here accused him of breaking the law by encouraging people to be for a certain politician. I'm not a fan of the conservatives myself.
Has anyone else heard of this?
A lot of his documentaries make comparisons to Canada's social and political systems. I don't know of one specifically dealing with Canada by itself (though it's possible it exists and I just don't know it!). He was in trouble for telling Canadians not to vote for Stephen Harper, but that was back in like 2005, somewhere around there.
If you ever find where that democracy in Canada is hiding, please let us know?
I think it's hiding in the petitions against the fair elections act, I'll have to get back to you about that.