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Dharma and Children



  • @frederica;

    I already have books with stories, fairytales,religions and mythology from many religions and parts of the world. So....

  • There is a great book by Thich Nhat Hanh called "The Four Pebbles" that is a great meditation book for kids. I would highly recommend it.

    I am a childcare provider and have all the children in my care do mindfulness/meditative training while with me. Simple things like sitting down on the path in the woods with their eyes closed and just breathing. Or have them stand in a park or field and cover their ears and just use their eyes. For children it is easier to close off one of the senses at a time for them to shut down the world and just focus on the beauty in front of them. It helps to centre them and to be more mindful.

    There are many, simple things you can do with very young children to introduce them to the practice.

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