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I was watching a show, here in the UK, called Heaven&Earth which shows weekly on Sunday and covers religious topics of all faiths.
The main discussion was the relatively new modern approach to religion whereby the spiritual seeker makes investigations into different religions and then practices pieces of those religions that they think suit them best.
The presenters crudely named this process 'pick n mix' religion.
I know that there are many people here that hold a wide variety of faiths and I just wanted to know what you think about this subject and the debates surrounding it.
These were some of the questions raised in the programme:
Does it help, in the long run?
Is it suited to modern lifestyles?
Are the Pick n Mixers playing God - in choosing their own religion?
Are you disrespecting one faith by following another alongside it?
(And any other things you might want to say on the issue)
Pick 'n' mix sounds a bit dismissive. I can see their point, but given that people everywhere are becoming more integrated with other cultures, some religious and cultural differences are going to bleed over the edges. I know many young people who are extremely disillusioned with Christian religion, and are seeking a free-er and more "liberal" way of both finding themselves and expressing their spirituality. Given that people are more educated nowadays, and that freedom of choice is still a privilege in the West, it is hardly surprising that people are becoming more informed on other aspects of spirituality.
I don't think the pick 'n' mix-ers are playing God... I think they're trying to find him/her and are seeking him/her so that '(s)he'might speak to them in the most appropriate way for them to understand. As Ghandi quite rightly said, 'God has no Religion'.... There are those who are steadfast in a specific religion, and have been all their lives, who are more likely to disrespect other religions. In my view, those who 'shop around' and pick 'n' mix, are probably far more capable of being tolerant and accepting. If they have done their homework thoroughly, they will undoubtedly come to the conclusion that every Religion has, as its core message that Love is the ultimate Goal. To Love your fellow Man, as you would wish to be. Putting all things aside, this may be an overly simplistic view, but there again, simple don't mean easy.
1. Picking and choosing among the stories and myths available is precisely what both the Buddha and Jesus did. They did it because the Truth is at once so difficult and so obvious that it can only be told in story, dance and song.
2. Having made a good living in Paris in the '80s working for Trebor the confectionery company, I think that Pick 'n' Mix should be looked on as a compliment rather than a slight. Bring back Penny Chews!
They don't make......
sherbert flying saucers
liquorice wheels
pink prawns
Like they used to..... and
chocolate-covered peanuts (I know these are still available, but I could really do with some right now....!!)
1. Believe everything told to you by a single religious leader, without question, because they know and you don't.
2. Realize that whether they call themselves a pope, prophet or lama that they might not have all the answers. In which case, it is up to you to decide what you believe. It may line up fairly well with a major religion, it may not. But at least you know you have examined your beliefs (and may continue to do so).
I happily count myself as part of group #2. While I am Buddhist, I know that some of my beliefs and practices come from other religions and philosophies. Fortunately for me, Buddhism allows for one to develop their own path to a great extent. However, I've known quite a few people who followed one religion and felt that if their religion didn't have the answer than it was wrong to ask the question. They couldn't see why anyone would not be content within the confines of that one religion - even while forgetting that their religion has a strong history of borrowing from others.
To answer the questions:
Does it help, in the long run?
If they find the right mix for them, yes. What does not help is following a religion that one doesn't even believe in.
Is it suited to modern lifestyles?
Sure, why not. Due to the printing press and the advent of the internet, we don't have to trust some holy man to tell us what the holy books say or what other religions really believe in. Many of us are used to finding answers for ourself with other things, why not religion? I think fewer people want to just accept things because tradition says so. At the same time, many of the traditional big religions haven't adapted to modern lifestyles. I think many people think that some religions are out of touch and better suited to those living as desert nomads.
Are the Pick n Mixers playing God - in choosing their own religion?
Well, I'm an atheist, so that certainly affects my answer. I don't see a problem. I mean, who chose people religions before? Their parents, you could say, or nature/God by having them born to those parents. I don't think Christians would view converts to their religion as playing God. I believe that everyone should make a conscious choice about their religion. I don't believe that people necessarily choose their beliefs, but rather that they can make the choice to examine them and see if they line up with their current religion.
Are you disrespecting one faith by following another alongside it?
Are you disrespecting one faith if you don't follow it at all? In which case, the more the merrier? Religions don't feel sad if you play with others. Seriously, though, everyone's beliefs are to some extent unique and we shouldn't feel hurt if others don't agree with us on things that can be so subjective to begin with.