This is a simple but really irritating observation of mine, and invite those who wear, or have started to wear glasses, to comment.
As I wear my glasses more often it has come to my attention that when I take them off to go to sleep, and lie in a relaxed state, that there appears to be a 'rim' that I know corresponds to the shape of my reading glasses. I realise that I only wear them for close up work and reading so they are not a continuous stimulus, but for those who wear glasses all the time or are starting to wear glasses for similar reason, is this something you also experience? And if you do experience it, does it go away?
Nope, I've never had that problem....
how long have you worn glasses for @federica?
I would say about 15 years, with sadly, increased intensity... started off with readers, have no 'progressed' to varifocals.
I'm at the beginning stages of becoming properly presbyopic it appears, and I'm noticing lots of irritating things whereby my eye lenses are becoming less elastic...
For instance, when using my phone, I have had to increase the size of the text slightly, to stop the letters becoming fuzzy! And to stare for a long time at a decent novel requires I wear my reading glasses for a sustained period of an hour or so, and it is really noticeable when I take them of, that now it seems that keeping them on feels more normal...
Low light levels and small font sizes are annoying as well.
OMG I'm getting old-aged!
Seriously, I am finding the frame-thing I mentioned above really irritating as even when it's dark, or when I close my eyes, there is an 'after-image' of my new reading glasses); but to offset that, I am having amazing lucid-dreaming experiences (whole new thread, but won't start it as how can you discuss such things - stories within stories?)
I have been wearing glasses for 5 years and have never had the experience you mention @anataman. Hope it goes away - sounds annoying!
I am sure it will go away when I'M FULLY DEPENDENT ON THEM!
I used to hear people saying things like 'once you start wearing glasses your eyesight gets worse' and similar quotes, but there is an obvious adjustment going on (and I am extremely visual in the way I experience the world), and as someone who tries to be mindful of sense and experience (;-) was wondering if this was a normal thing that people who started wearing glasses experienced...